"Color Crow": the colorful publishing pursuits—commentary on Chinese Original Series of Co

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  As the saying goes, “crows are black the whole world over”. But there’s just an exception in the world of literature - 21st Century Publishing House (China) has spent 10 years creating a Chinese Original Series of Color Crow which is themed by life, love, growth, people and nature and joined by the best-known and the most creative authors and illustrators of children’s literature. It is characterized by its diversity in the writing and painting style, and has become the most popular book with high reputation in the children’s market of China. The success of it is not only due to its pursuit of literature and art, but also for its pursuit of the publishing business.
  The pursuit of publishing brand: build a world class Chinese original brand
  “Color Crow” takes off from Europe where it is the birthplace of children’s literature with modern significance; it takes off from Germany where it has many masters in children’s literature, such as The Brothers Grimm.
  The president of 21st Century Publishing House Zhang Qiulin is a senior publisher with ideal, passion and far-sighted vision. Early 21st century, 21st Century Publishing Hose has begun to focus on children’s literature books of “German World”. In 2002, imported and published Shoes of Fire and Sandals of Wind of German writer Ursula Wolfel, Ben Liebt Anna of Peter Hartling, Germany, The Fairy Tale of a Group Mice of Willi Fahrmann, and People and Crow of Austria writer Edith Schreiber-Wicke. The world class German children’s literature was deservedly welcomed by Chinese young readers, and it was selected as the recommendatory bibliography of the national primary and secondary school libraries. In 2004, 21st Century Publishing House started to import “Color Crow Series”. In June 2007, it applied for a trademark registration; In September, 20 volumes “Color Crow Series” appeared on the market. In that series, there were Franz’s Story of Austria writer Christine Nostlinger who won Hans Christian Andersen Award and Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, The Little Witch and The Little Wate-Sprite of German writer Otfried Preubler who won Hans Christian Andersen Award, The Tattooed Dog and Mr. Bello and the Blue Wonder of Paul Maar. Color Crow symbolized the highest level of Germany children’s literature that flew from Europe to China.
  How to change the brand from “Make Foreign Things Serve China” to “A Combination of Chinese and Western Elements”, and then become “Chinese Original”? How to turn “Germany Import” into “Chinese Original”? 21st Century Publishing House uses “Color Crow” as the sample, gets out of a long-term development road in line with international trends and Chinese characteristics. 21st Century Publishing House has taken the initiative, building a world-leading brand for Chinese original. In 2008, it implemented brand extension and brand localization, the famous children literature writers and children illustration writers were invited to join the startup of “Color Crow Chinese Original Series”. In March 2009, the first book came out was Wan Wan by Zhang Zhilu. In 2013, all 20 volumes of Chinese Original Series of Color Crow were released, and “Color Crow” has become known ever since then.   The pursuit of publishing character: abide by elaborate publishing
  21st Century Publishing House set a high threshold of “Elaborate Publishing” for Chinese Original Series of Color Crow. All the 18 writers of Chinese Original Series of Color Crow used to be the winners of various literary awards, and writers such as Jin Bo, Zhang Zhilu, Cao Wenxuan and Yin Jianling were Hans Christian Andersen Award nominees. Some writers are best-selling authors, some are newly-emerged talented writers, and two of them are from Taiwan. There are campus novel, initiation novel, animal novel and fairy tales in the 20 books. The editor-in-chief Gangqiang Wei and Xuejun Peng also contributed much to the fulfillment of the high standard of “Elaborate Publishing”. Zhang Zhilu’s Wan Wan has been printed for 17 times over 4 years, and The Spirit in the Attic of Tang Sulan has been printed 16 times in total.
  The pursuit of publishing quality: advocate “slow writing” and “slow publishing”
  It is an era of fast changes today, where there’s a complaint of people’s fickleness and impatience. When it comes to children’s publishing, the excess market operation and money worship seems to have been a serious problem. Some writers write more and faster, and some publishers publish more and faster; however, the result is that the books are of inferior quality negatively.
  Chinese Original Series of Color Crow advocates “slow writing” and “slow publishing” for the healthy and prosperous development of Chinese children literature and the benefits of children readers. It has taken the authors and illustrators 6 years to finish the 20 volumes of the series, which could be acclaimed as a model of children publications.
  The pursuit of publishing aesthetics: books contain excellent writing and illustrations
  Illustrations are an important part of children’s books. Chinese Original Series of Color Crow has paid much attention on its graphic and layout design, for instance, the uniform color identification of “Chinese Original Series of Color Crow” and book slogan are printed on the front and back covers of each book; the paper, font size, font styles, illustrations and every other detail of book is a representation of high-level children-friendly artistry - the spines of 20 volumes have been of 20 different colors. As for the illustration of the books, “Color Crow” appointed some 80s young painters who graduated from Tsinghua University Academy of Art – It’s a brave attempt; the most modern, the most fashionable and the most “Chinese” style of artistic expression was adopted. There are descriptions about “Illustrators” on the back cover of each book as well.
  The pursuit of Publications: “to be read in one sitting and remembered for a long time”.
  It is not only a display of its self-confidence to have printed “a book to be read in one sitting and remembered for a long time” on the cover, but also the pursuit of Chinese Original Series of Color Crow. The ultimate aims of publishing are reading, spreading and inheriting, and the aims of children publishing are enlightening and primary educating. Children’s books are for children; 21st Century Publishing House has made the content short and interesting due to the understanding of young readers.
  At last, hope Chinese “Color Crow” could fly higher and further; fly to Europe, and the whole world!
一、拳击的攻防练习    1、左手在前的进攻姿势(图1)实战写真。  2、左手为掌,右手为拳的进攻姿势(图2)写真。  3、进攻沙袋时的练习,身体重心前倾(图3)。  4、双人配合练习时的姿势(图4)。  5、对方冲左直拳击来,进攻者可利用对方击拳的时机,出右直拳直击对方下巴(图5)。  6、拳与掌之间的交换姿势(图6)。  7、下沉式的击拳动作姿势(图7)。  8、重心在后的击拳与掌截的击拳姿势
拳击实战训练与运用的方法(上)      一、拳击实战训练的意义    实战的目的在于把所学到的技术动作和战术手段应用在实战演习与比赛上。因此,要以参加正式比赛的态度来进行实战练习。  实战练习所用的手套一般为375克(每只)以上重的手套,在实战练习中应运用自己所掌握的特殊技术动作来应战对方,不可只用重拳,而要用技术动作来提高实战的技能和增长实战的经验。  进行实战练习必须目的明确,要通过实战进一
五行拳,原为形意拳核心拳法。当年,一代宗师王芗斋在创立大成拳之际,保留了形意拳的精华(众所周知,芗老原为形意高手,清未形意大师郭云深的得意弟子)。而五行拳,更成为大成拳单操手中的重要内容。  我的老师王健民曾告诫我,学练大成拳必须精研五行拳,否则便不能了解大成拳的根本。师爷王选杰先生晚年到全国各地讲学授拳,多为王健民老师随同前往。在代师比拳时,王老师常以五行拳中的劈、崩二拳应战,从未失手。据王健民
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