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随着经济全球化的步伐不断加快,各国经济你中有我.我中有你,已经融合成一个有机的、统一的整体。在这个整体过程中,各种经济要素的国际市场价格潮起潮落,蕴育着一次又一次的机遇,如果我们国家的投资家能以“立足全球、放眼世界”的战略眼光和敏捷娴熟的战术技巧,抓住稍纵即逝的机会,那么其财富创造效应远非一个海尔、一个宝钢所比拟。我们国家资金缺乏,为此上至政府、下至企业,各行各业都在谈论引资、引资……可我们为什么不走出去,利用全球化和时空差价带来的机会,到国际市场上赚取财富?就此而言,中国需要国际投机家。美国在二战之后曾一度在各个领域是世界的霸主。可是到了70年代后期,美国陷入了“滞胀”的困境,不仅在传统工业,而且在新兴工业领域受到了来自日本的严峻挑战。汽车工业的世界“老大”地位被日本夺去,在世界半导体市场中,日本占据的份额又超过美国。在财富积累方面,日本的财力可以将美国买下2.5次。日本用商品的手段取得了用炮舰所 As the pace of economic globalization continues to accelerate, you have me in every country’s economy, and I, with you, have merged into an organic and unified whole. In this whole process, the international market prices of various economic elements are ebb and flow, which brings about opportunities again and again. If our country’s investors can adopt the strategic vision of “based on the world and look around the world” and be agile Tactical skills, to seize the fleeting opportunity, then the wealth creation effect is far from a Haier, a Baosteel comparable. We lack of state funds, for which up to the government, down to businesses, all walks of life are talking about foreign investment, foreign investment ...... But why do not we go out, take advantage of globalization and space-time price to bring opportunities to earn on the international market In this regard, China needs international speculators. For a time after World War II, the United States was the overlord of the world in all fields. However, by the late 1970s, the United States was caught in a “stagflation” predicament and was not only challenged by Japan from the traditional industries but also in emerging industries. The “boss” status of the automobile industry in the world was taken away by Japan. In the world semiconductor market, Japan has overtaken the United States in its share. In terms of wealth accumulation, Japan’s financial resources can buy the United States 2.5 times. Japan used the means of goods made with gunboat