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目的:探讨婴儿期母乳喂养行为与学龄前期单纯性肥胖症发生之间的关系,为预防儿童单纯性肥胖症提供理论依据。方法:对1800名青岛市和滨州市四五岁儿童的婴儿期母乳喂养情况及其体重指数(BMI)发育情况等进行调查,分析母乳喂养类型和持续时间与学龄前肥胖症发生之间的关系。结果:单因素分析发现4个月内只喂母乳、主要喂母乳、母乳与配方奶量基本相同、主要喂配方奶、只喂配方奶者四五岁时肥胖发生率分别为12.6%,13.0%,17.0%,18%,30%;儿童母乳喂养持续时间0,<1,1~3,4~6,7~9,9个月以上者四五岁时肥胖发生率分别为29%,30%,33%,17%,14%,12%。母乳喂养类型和持续时间不同的儿童学龄前期单纯性肥胖症发生率不同(χ2=10.407,P<0.05;χ2=20.903,P<0.001);多因素logistic回归分析发现4个月内喂配方奶量越多,肥胖发生率越高(OR=1.120,χ2=8.233,P<0.01),母乳喂养持续时间越长,肥胖发生越少(OR=0.782,χ2=6.609,P<0.05)。结论:婴儿母乳喂养对学龄前期肥胖症的发生有预防作用;婴儿期应提倡母乳喂养,并尽可能延长母乳喂养时间至9个月以上。 Objective: To explore the relationship between infant breastfeeding behavior and the incidence of simple obesity in preschool age, and to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention of childhood simple obesity. Methods: A total of 1,800 infants aged 45 and over in Qingdao City and Binzhou City were investigated for breastfeeding in infancy and their body mass index (BMI). The relationship between type and duration of breastfeeding and the incidence of obesity in preschool children was analyzed . Results: Univariate analysis showed that breastfeeding was mainly breastfed within 4 months. Breast milk and formula were basically the same. The incidence of obesity at the age of four or five was 12.6% and 13.0% , 17.0%, 18% and 30%, respectively. The duration of breastfeeding in children 0, <1,1 ~ 3,4 ~ 6,7 ~ 9,9 months or more, the incidence of obesity was 29% and 30% %, 33%, 17%, 14%, 12%. The incidence of simple obesity in preschool children with different types and durations of breastfeeding was different (χ2 = 10.407, P <0.05; χ2 = 20.903, P <0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the rate of formula feeding The higher the incidence of obesity (OR = 1.120, χ2 = 8.233, P <0.01), the longer the duration of breastfeeding, the less obesity occurred (OR = 0.782, χ2 = 6.609, P <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Infant breastfeeding has a preventive effect on the incidence of pre-school obesity. Breastfeeding should be promoted during infancy and breastfeeding should be prolonged for as long as 9 months.
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生活中的吵架多以争对错开始。一开始只是想讲讲道理,指出对方的不妥之处,后来讲着讲着就吵起来了。  在吵架时,每个人都觉得自己是对的,对方是错的。可究竟谁是对的呢?  清官也不知道。  前几天,一个姑娘跑过来问了我一个问题:女孩子活得独立是好事还是坏事?  这个问题让我茅塞顿开。女孩子活得独立,当然是件好事,是新时代的彰显,不依靠别人,自由洒脱又有尊严;女孩子活得独立又不怎么好,不依赖,一切都得自己