An On-Line Modeling Based Kalman Filtering Process for Time-Interval-Variable Sequences with Applica

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxc1989120
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The problem of variable sampling time interval which appears in application of Kalman Filtering is analyzed and the corresponding filtering process with or without present transition matrix is suggested, then an application experiment for astronomical surveying is introduced. In this process, the known stochastically variable sampling time intervals play the roles as deterministic input sequences of the state-space description, and the corresponding matrix and (if needed) state transition matrix can be established by performing real-time and structure-linear system identification. The problem of variable sampling time interval which appears in application of Kalman Filtering is analyzed and the corresponding filtering process with or without present transition matrix is ​​suggested, then an application experiment for astronomical surveying is introduced. In this process, the known stochastically variable sampling time intervals play the roles as deterministic input sequences of the state-space description, and the corresponding matrix and (if needed) state transition matrix can be established by performing real-time and structure-linear system identification.
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目的:   探讨张觉人教授中医辨证分型治疗肺性脑病的经验。   意义:   为肺性脑病的临床治疗提供新的思路与方法。   方法:   传统中医的临床研究方法。   张
“锦交4号”是我所于1962年以“伏花生”为母本,“狮头企”为父本,经人工杂交选育,至1967年定型。1969~1971年 “Jinjiao 4” is my kind in 1962 to “Fu Peanut” as the