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国家为了充分发挥和利用长江水运资源,早在建国初期就着手进行了长江航运规划。国家为了使长江航运事业与长江水利事业协调发展,成立了长江航运规划机构。这一机构曾在长江航运规划方面作了不少工作,成绩很大,对长江航运事业的发展起到了巨大的促进作用。 长江港口总体布局规划,建国以来进行过多次,它是长江航,运规划中的重要组成部份。其中比较大的是60年代中期开始的“三五”规划。随着长江航运事业的发展,以后又相继地进行了“四五”、“五五”等长江航运规划,这些规划基本上都已付诸实现。因此,长江航运规划从其宏观上看,它起到了指导港口建设的积极作用,使长江港口布局趋于合理,在发展地区经济特别是在开放改革的浪潮中,对长江港口更是起到了举足轻重的作用。 In order to give full play to and utilize the Yangtze River water resources, the state embarked on the Yangtze River Shipping Planning as early as the founding of the People's Republic. In order to coordinate the development of the Yangtze River shipping business and the Yangtze River water conservancy, the state established the Yangtze River Shipping Planning Agency. This institution has done a great deal of work in the planning of the Yangtze River shipping and has made great achievements and played a huge role in promoting the development of the shipping industry in the Yangtze River. The overall layout of the Yangtze River port planning, since the founding of many times, it is the Yangtze River shipping, transportation planning an important part. The larger one is the “Three-Five” plan that started in the mid-1960s. With the development of the shipping industry in the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River Shipping Plan of the “4th Five-Year Plan” and the “5th Five-Year Plan” has been successively carried out in the future and these plans have basically been implemented. Therefore, from its macroscopic perspective, the Yangtze River Shipping Planning has played a positive role in guiding the construction of the port so as to rationalize the layout of the port in the Yangtze River and played a decisive role in the development of the regional economy, especially in the wave of liberalization and reform, Role.
This paper presents the recent progress of space environment research and service in China.During the past two years,many models of space environment forecast a
十一届全国人大常委会第三次会议审议的消防法修订草案规定,对发生火灾可能造成特别重大的人身伤亡或者财产损失的建设工程以及国务院公安部门规定的其他特殊建设工程,建设单位应当将消防设计文件报送公安消防机构审核。  消防法修订草案原来将现行消防法关于建设工程的消防设计文件由公安消防机构审核的规定,改为由有关中介机构审核,公安消防机构可以抽查。有些常委会组成人员和政府部门认为,这样修改,体现了政府职能转变和