Crystallization Growth of Single Crystal Cu by Continuous Casting

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:li452546674
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Crystallization growth of single-crystal Cu by continuous casting has been investigated using self- designed horizontal continuous casting equipment and XRD. Experimental results showed that the crystallization plane of (311), (220) and (111) were eliminated sequentially in evolutionary process. The final growth plane of crystal was (200), the direction of crystallization was [100], the growwth direction of both sides of the rod inclined to axis, and the degree of deviation of direction [100] from the crystal axis was less than 10? In order to produce high quality single crystal, the solid-liquid interface morphology must be smooth, even be planar. Crystallization growth of single-crystal Cu by continuous casting has been investigated using self- designed horizontal continuous casting equipment and XRD. Experimental results showed that the crystallization plane of (311), (220) and (111) were eliminated sequentially in evolutionary process. The final growth plane of crystal was (200), the direction of crystallization was [100], the growwth direction of both sides of the rod inclined to axis, and the degree of deviation of direction [100] from the crystal axis was less than 10? In order to produce high quality single crystal, the solid-liquid interface morphology must be smooth, even be planar.
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