打好“组合拳” 献礼儿童节

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“你们看,这里面既有精美的邮票册、儿童图书,还有教育培训体验卡、影楼代金券、亲子游戏优惠券等,真是太划算了!”2014年6月1日这天,家住广东省梅州市鸿都小区的魏先生,兴奋地向前来做客的好友展示由单位工会赠送的学龄前儿童大礼包。截至6月30日,梅州市邮政分公司已成功销售该礼包1650套,实现销售额近16万元。据了解,这套主题为《中国梦少年梦——放飞我们的梦想》集邮大礼包,是由梅州邮政集邮公司专门为“六一”儿童节而开发的。礼包分为50元和100元两种 “You see, there are exquisite stamp books, children’s books, education and training experience cards, photo studio vouchers, parent-child game coupons, etc., is really cost-effective!” “June 1, 2014 This day, Mr. Wei, who lives in Hongdu District, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, is excited to show his friends from pre-school children’s gift packages presented by the unions. As of June 30, Meizhou Post Branch has successfully sold the pack of 1,650 units, achieving sales of nearly 160,000 yuan. It is understood that this theme is ”China Dream Teenage Dream - Flying our dreams“ philatelic gift package, is the Meizhou Post Philatelic company specifically for the ”61" Children’s Day and developed. Package is divided into 50 yuan and 100 yuan two
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