结合企业经济建设实际 做好纪检监察信访工作

来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenglin1985z
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纪检监察信访工作在整个党风廉政建设和反腐败工作中有着其它工作不可替代的作用,不仅为查处大案要案提供了大量有价值的案件线索,同时也为党和政府的决策,为纪检监察机关的决策提供了大量的信息。另外,在化解各种矛盾,理顺群众的情绪,维护社会稳定和政治安定中也发挥了重要作用。做好新时期的纪检监察信访工作,必须发扬与时俱进、开拓创新精神,在坚持已有的行之有效的做法的基础上,改变那些不合时宜的思想观念、思维方式和工作方法,努力使纪检监察信访工作更加符合时代发展的要求。 Discipline inspection and supervision petition work in the entire party building an anti-corruption work and anti-corruption work has irreplaceable role of other work, not only for the investigation of major cases provide a lot of valuable clues to the case, but also for the party and government decision-making, discipline inspection and supervision The agency’s decision provides a lot of information. In addition, it has also played an important role in resolving various conflicts, rationalizing the emotions of the people, and in maintaining social stability and political stability. We must carry forward the spirit of advancing with the times and pioneering and innovating to do a good job in discipline inspection and supervision of letters and visits in the new era. We should change those outdated ideas, thinking modes and working methods based on the already existing and effective methods and strive to make Discipline inspection and supervision of petitions more in line with the requirements of the times.
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