冰上之美 花样滑冰

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你还在担心在冬天里“缠”上一身的赘肉吗?你还在恐惧健身房里单调枯燥的机械运动吗?那么赶紧换上一双冰鞋,一起享受轻盈、飘逸、动感的花样滑冰吧!花样滑冰花样滑冰是技巧与艺术性相结合的一个冰上运动项目,竞技比赛中,运动员在冰上滑行中做出各种姿势的跳跃和旋转动作,裁判员根据动作评分,决定名次。它要求运动员在60 m×30 m的冰场上,以40 km/h的速度完成各种高难度动作的同时,还要用自 Are you still worried about the fat on the “wrap” in the winter? Are you still scared of dull mechanical exercise in the gym? Then quickly put on a pair of skates and enjoy the light, elegant, dynamic figure skating! Figure Skating Figure skating is a combination of skill and artistic ice sports, athletic competitions, ice skating in various positions to make jump and rotation action, the referee scored according to the action, determine the ranking. It requires athletes to complete a variety of difficult movements at a speed of 40 km / h on a 60 m × 30 m ice rink,
Based on the works of former people, the work finds a fast and extra determination of microuranium in high-level liquid waste and high enriched plutonium. Addin
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