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1安全操作操作员应严格按使用维护说明书执行。酒后、睡眠不足、生病、孕妇、未满18周岁、未获得资质证书者不允许操作。不可穿容易卷入部件的宽松衣服作业。在周围1亩范围无安全降落点的稻田内不能进行作业。作业结束后应停止发动机,关闭遥控器电源,并将遥控器置于工具箱内,取出钥匙。当植保机出现紧急状况时,应将植保机以最快方式飞离人群,并尽快降落或迫降。 A safe operation of the operator should be strictly according to the use of maintenance manuals. Drink, lack of sleep, sick, pregnant women, under the age of 18, did not obtain the qualification certificate are not allowed to operate. Do not wear loose clothing that can be easily caught in parts. No work can be carried out in paddy fields without safety points in the surrounding 1 acre area. Stop the engine after finishing the work, turn off the power of the remote control, place the remote control in the toolbox, and remove the key. When the plant protection machine emergencies, the plant protection should be the fastest way to fly away from the crowd, and landing or forced landing as soon as possible.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
According of state electrical power authorities,the development of overhead powertransmission lines will gain faster speed in thetenth Five-year Plan period wi
近日,从莱钢方面获悉,该企业从长远发展出发,规划了“十五”和2010年蓝图。适度发展钢铁主业、大力发展非钢产业、积极稳妥地推进资本运营是莱钢今后工作的指导方向。 据悉,
夜色渐浓,月亮在云中躲躲闪闪。哥哥带我们去捉鱼。十几个小伙伴手擎松明灯,兴致勃勃。那一夜,我们捉了不少鱼。在回家的路上,忽然,听见了一声虎啸,把我们都吓坏了。 Night
1 8月25日,多米尼加当局将两名——可疑的加拿大男子拘留,警方怀疑他们与恐怖组织有关。(行迹形迹)    注:“本文中所涉及到的圖表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”