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本文对大五家子满语九类形态结构的动词进行实验语音学分析,从音强、音高、时长三个方面对304个样本词的逾千个音节进行详细的声学量化、统计和比照,力图确认这九类动词的重音分布和重音的主要声学特点。本文提供的数据和分析表明:1)现代满语的动词词重音属于音强重音;音强总振幅和平均振幅两个参数有助于确定多音节动词重读音节和节律结构的声学标志。2)时长与音高在区分轻读、重读音节时作用不明显,不能作为可靠的区分标准;在四、五音节词中,尤其是当词干后带由多个后缀组成复杂词尾①时,词的基频曲线形成前高后低的两个音高平台,平台的分界线与词干和词尾的边界基本吻合,所以音高的变化是区分形态单位词干和词尾(缀)的语音标记,而非节律结构的声学体现。3)词干、词尾分别构建自己的节律结构或音步,两个过程及所形成的音步相对独立;词缀的性质对重音分布可能有影响,但需要更多的材料证明。 In this paper, the experimental phonetic analysis of the verbs of the morphological structure of the Manchu language in the Big Five Family is carried out. The detailed acoustic quantification, statistics and comparison of more than a thousand syllables of 304 sample words are carried out from three aspects of sound intensity, pitch and duration , Trying to confirm the acoustics of these nine categories of verbs and accent the main acoustic characteristics. The data and analysis provided in this paper show that: 1) The modern Manchu verb word accent belongs to the sound intensity accent; the total amplitude of the sound intensity and the average amplitude of the two parameters help to determine the multi-syllable verb accent and rhythmic structure of acoustic signs. 2) The duration and pitch do not play a significant role in distinguishing between light and accented syllables and can not be used as a reliable standard of distinction; in the four and five syllables, especially when the stem is composed of multiple suffixes, The base frequency curves of the words form two high-pitched and low-pitched platforms. The boundary between the platform and the stems and suffix basically coincides with each other. Therefore, the pitch changes are the voice marks that differentiate the stem and suffix of the morphological unit , Not the acoustical manifestation of rhythmic structure. 3) The stems and the suffix construct their own rhythmic structure or syllables, respectively. The two processes and the formed steps are relatively independent; the nature of the affixes may have an impact on the distribution of accent, but more material proof is needed.
山西省晋城市城区七岭煤矿始建于1958年,隶属城区二轻局管 辖,年生产能力15万吨。近年来,七岭煤矿在上级主管部门的正确领导 下,在以矿长杨兴太为首的领导班子带领下,全矿职
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