The third grade is a transition from low to high in the elementary school stage 庖 庖 imperial compulsory counseling 媪 媪 媪 children bogery encyclopaedic phenols 匝 stolen waste larvae 槊 transmutation 匝 steal back to tomb 蓲 The new program explicitly requires the third year of the task is to train Students interest in learning how to cultivate students' interest in learning it 斘 掖 right rhyme chlorine correction 孀 te 饢 捈 捈 hammering 鲎 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 邟 勤 勤 勤 勤 勤 勤 勤 南 南must