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利用极坐标解题是高中平面解析几何中的一种重要方法。由于方法在使用时,本身受一定条件的限制,所以易被忽视而较少使用。其实,对于一些习题,若巧妙的使用极坐标,则会使解题过程大大简化,这是因为在适当的极坐标系下,问题中的线段长度直接与极径ρ相对应,极坐标方程只是极径与极角的一种关系,这样在解题的具体过程中,就会避免了线段长度或两点间距离的复杂计算,并且三角函数的定义及三角公式、解三角形的有关知识也为解决问题提供了很多方便条件。一、与圆锥曲线的焦点弦有关的问题。焦点弦问题,常采用圆锥曲线统一极坐标方程求解。此时可以不考虑圆锥曲线在原坐标系中的位置,只要取该焦点F为极点,焦点 Solving problems using polar coordinates is an important method in the analytical geometry of high planes. Since the method itself is limited by certain conditions when it is used, it is easily overlooked and used less frequently. In fact, for some exercises, if the polar coordinates are used wisely, the process of solving the problem will be greatly simplified. This is because in the proper polar coordinate system, the length of the line segment in the problem directly corresponds to the polar radius ρ. The polar equation is only The relationship between polar and polar angles, so that in the specific process of solving the problem, it will avoid the complicated calculation of the length of the line segment or the distance between two points, and the knowledge of the definition of the trigonometric function and the triangle formula and the solution triangle is also Solving problems provides many convenient conditions. First, the problem related to the focus of the cone curve. The focal chord problem is often solved using the conical curve uniform polar equation. At this time, the position of the conic curve in the original coordinate system may not be considered, as long as the focal point F is taken as the pole, the focal point
向氨水中加入盐酸,氨水的电离平衡怎样移动,电离度怎样变化,对于这类问题,从某些试题、习题的答案中反映出这样一种观点,认为由于氨水中的 OH~-和盐酸中的 H~+结合成H_2O 的
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