Role of apoptosis resistance in immune evasion and metastasis of colorectal cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhk42
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The host immune system functions as a guardian against tumor development. It has been demonstrated that cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-mediated cytotoxic pathways function to inhibit or delay human colorectal cancer development. However, the host anti-tumor immune responses also ’edit’ the tumor and select for more aggressive variants, resulting in immune evasion and tumor escape. Fas is a death receptor that mediates one of the major cytotoxic effector mechanisms of the CTLs. Fas is highly expressed in normal human colon epithelial cells but is frequently silenced in colorectal carcinoma, especially in metastatic colorectal carcinoma, suggesting that loss of Fas expression and function may be an immune evasion and tumor escape mechanism. In addition, recent studies indicated that Fas also mediates cellular proliferation signaling pathways to promote tumor development. Therefore, the death receptor Fas may not only transduce death signals to suppress tumor development but also activate cellular proliferation and the migration process to promote tumor growth and progression. Thus, understanding the mechanisms by which the Fas receptor and its associated protein complex transduces the death and survival signals may identify molecular targets for the development of therapeutic strategy to enhance the Fas-mediated death signals to increase the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. The host immune system functions as a guardian against tumor development. It has been demonstrated that cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) -mediated cytotoxic pathways function to inhibit or delay human colorectal cancer development. However, the host anti-tumor immune responses also ’edit’ the tumor and select for more aggressive variants, resulting in immune evasion and tumor escape. Fas is a death receptor that mediates one of the major cytotoxic effector mechanisms of the CTLs. Fas is highly expressed in normal human colon epithelial cells but is frequently silenced in suggesting that the loss of Fas expression and function may be an immune evasion and tumor escape mechanism. In addition, recent studies showed that also that the proliferation of signaling pathways to promote tumor development. Therefore, the death receptor Fas may not only transduce death signals to suppress tumor development but also activate c Thus, understanding the mechanisms by which the Fas receptor and its associated protein complex transduces the death and survival signals may identify molecular targets for the development of therapeutic strategy to enhance the Fas-mediated death signals to increase the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy.
“言论自由与公平审判,是我们的文明中两项最珍贵的智慧结晶。要在它们二者之间作出抉择,实在是项艰巨的工作。”1941年,最高法院大法官胡果布莱克在审理一起案件时,曾作上述感叹。其实,此话用于形容美国关于庭审直播的争议,实在再合适不过。这一争议已持续70多年,至今仍未达成共识。  摄像机首次进入美国法庭,是在1935年的新泽西州弗莱明顿市。德国移民布鲁诺霍普曼绑架并谋杀了一名婴儿。婴儿之父,是赫赫有名
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