
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaohaizi319
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初中英语新课标与以往的初中英语教学大纲相比,它强调了英语教学的人文性,体现了以人为本的教育理念。以人为本是相对于以学科为本而言的。以学科为本强调学科的科学性、系统性和完整性,忽视学生身心发展,把学生看成被动地、机械地接受知识的容器。以人为本强调教学活动人的因素,把人放在首要的位置,以学生为主体,注重学生的创造性;以开发学生的潜能和天赋,培养学生的综合素质,使人性全面和谐发展为根本目的。它要求英语教育应是多重目标的全面教育,即英语教育应该是对人的思维、语言能力、品质、意志、情感态度、文化意识 Compared with the junior high school English syllabus, junior high school English new curriculum standard emphasizes the humanity of English teaching and embodies the concept of people-oriented education. People-oriented relative to the subject-based. Focusing on disciplines emphasizes the science, systematization and integrity of disciplines, ignores students’ physical and mental development, and regards students as containers that passively and mechanically accept knowledge. People-oriented emphasis on human factors of teaching activities, put people first, students as the main focus on student creativity; to develop the potential and talent of students, cultivate the overall quality of students, the full and harmonious development of human nature for the fundamental purpose. It requires English education should be a multi-goal comprehensive education, that is, English education should be on human thinking, language skills, quality, will, emotional attitude, cultural awareness
彩色果朱文野(j岁半)指导教师:王明珠3、奇妙的海底肚界4、水币的mj.小狗的一家指导教帅严梦忆兰5一唐荷如(岁) g指导数峨王明珠 《≯#“∥月∞M%M《mMK目目目$■%g%##《《《
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。合理安排时间@钧升!天津神界@海子 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
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