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一、小麦生产形势的分析总体形势分析:基础好、苗情好、墒情好、冻害偏重。(一)基础好。一是底肥充足合理。主要是氮、磷、钾肥投入充足合理,秸秆还田及配方施肥面积进一步扩大,底肥比例普遍提高,为培育冬前壮苗打下了良好基础。二是播期集中适时。由于播前降雨偏多、底墒充足,绝大部分麦田为趁墒播种,加之机械化水平提高,90%以上的麦田在适宜播期进行了播种,为今年形成均衡一致的苗情和提高一、二类苗比例奠定了基础。三是整地播种质量提高。深松面积进一步扩大、秸秆还田质量的明显提高,以及播前、播后镇压面积的增加,整地、播种质量明显提高,为实现苗匀、苗齐奠定了基础。四是品种优。优种比例明显提高。综合抗性强、稳产高产的优良品种面积进一步扩大,优良品种所占比例达到97%以上。同时换种比例 First, the analysis of the situation of wheat production The overall situation analysis: good foundation, good seedling, good moisture content, frost damage emphasis. (A) good foundation. First, adequate and reasonable base fertilizer. Mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium into adequate and reasonable, straw and fertilizer area to further expand, the proportion of base fertilizer generally increased, for the cultivation of strong seedlings laid a good foundation for winter. Second, broadcast timely focus. Due to the pre-sowing rainfall, adequate soil moisture at the end, the vast majority of wheat fields to take advantage of moisture sowing, coupled with the improvement of mechanization, more than 90% of the wheat sowing in the appropriate sowing date for the formation of a balanced seedling this year and raise one or two The proportion of seedlings laid the foundation. Third, improve the quality of planting land preparation. Deep loose area to further expand, significantly improve the quality of straw returned, as well as sowing, sowing repression area increases, soil preparation, sowing quality improved significantly, in order to achieve Miao uniform, Miao Qi laid the foundation. Fourth, good varieties. The proportion of superior species is significantly improved. Comprehensive resistant varieties, stable and high yield of fine varieties to further expand the area, the proportion of fine varieties of more than 97%. At the same time a different ratio
介绍了青岛海湾大桥海工高性能混凝土海上超长距离1 000 m的泵送施工,对混凝土配合比的设计和优化,泵管的布置方案、泵送施工技术以及施工中的注意事项均做了详细介绍。 The
9月13日,全球知名的时尚生活潮牌圣殿10 Corso Como大中华区首家旗舰店,在时尚界、商业地产界、媒体和顾客的一致期待中,于浦西第一高楼上海会德丰国际广场盛大开幕。这家传奇米兰精品店租下了会德丰国际广场毗邻南京西路的北院整栋四层透明玻璃房,总面积近2500平方米,其业态涵盖书店、设计家居、餐厅、咖啡馆、时尚零售空间等多个方面,为沪上再添全新的高品位时尚生活地标。Carla Sozzani女
日前,OYSHO落户上海南京西路990号。这不仅是OYSHO在中国内地的第37家店,也是在上海的第一家门店。集时尚和人气于一身的上海南京西路,如今是世界各知名品牌在中国布点的首选,OYSHO此次入驻重点商业地段,无疑为这条两千多米长的街道平添了一份温暖高雅的色调。  法国梧桐,绿荫斑驳,细腻中彰显着时尚优雅的OYSHO店铺,沿袭了其全球店铺统一的设计风格,并将复古美融入品牌个性中。OYSHO十分重