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进入新世纪以来,中国的发展速度举世瞩目。在物质生活和精神生活水平都不断提高的同时,孤残儿童的成长与生活受到了国家和社会各界的关注,孤残儿童的生活环境得到了显著改善。除了生活环境得到改善以外,孤残儿童的受教育问题也同样得到了重视。 一直以来人们普遍认为身体残疾、智力落后是福利院孩子的明显特征。事实上除一些先天愚形、和一些先天性智力障碍的孩子以外,大多数孩子(包括一些肢体残疾的孩子)的智力都是比较正常 Since entering the new century, China has made remarkable achievements in its development. While the material life and mental life are constantly improving, the growth and life of orphans and disabled children have drawn the attention of the country and the society, and the living environment of orphans and disabled children has been significantly improved. In addition to improving the living environment, the education of orphans and disabled children has received the same attention. It has been widely accepted that physical disability and mental retardation are obvious characteristics of children in welfare homes. In fact, most children (including some children with physical disabilities) have relatively normal intelligence except for some innate obscenities and some children with congenital mental retardation
攀枝花地区野生番石榴对人体细胞遗传免疫和增殖作用研究 Study on the Effects of Wild Guava on Genetic Immunity and Proliferation in Human Body in Panzhihua Distri
现对某院1989年~1998年10年医院病床工作效率进行评价和分析。旨在找出问题,提出对策,提高医疗质量。1 资料来源 数据来源于某院1989年~1998年医院工作报表。见表 Now we eval
The United Nations Development Programme(联合国开发计划署,简称UNDP)has appointed award-winning actress Michelle Yeoh(杨紫琼)as its newest Goodwill Ambassador(亲