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目的调查本地区近三年从事医疗相关行业人员肺结核患病情况,提出应对措施。方法对本地三家三级甲等医疗机构2 716名从事医疗行业的人员进行问卷调查,问卷调查的主要内容为近三年医务人员肺结核患病情况、所在科室及从事工种,对问卷结果结合文献进行讨论。结果自愿接受问卷调查2 716名从事医疗相关行业人员(2 688名医务人员及28名医院电梯工)中近三年肺结核患病人数为46人次(医务人员43人次,电梯工3人次),总发病率为1.69%(46/2 716),2 688名医护人员中有43名曾患肺结核(1.60%,43/2 688),不同科室医务人员患病率不同,在所有参入调查的科室中呼吸内科医务人员肺结核发病率最高(7.91%,11/139),发病率与其它科室相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论从事医疗行业人员不同科室医务人员肺结核发病率不同,与结核病治疗密切相关的科室医务人员容易罹患肺结核,应引起高度重视。 Objective To investigate the prevalence of tuberculosis in medical-related industries in the past three years in this area and put forward countermeasures. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 2 716 medical professionals in three tertiary medical institutions in the local area. The main contents of the questionnaire survey were the prevalence of tuberculosis among medical staff in the past three years, the department in which they worked and the type of work they performed, and the results of the questionnaire combined with the literature discuss. Results Voluntary questionnaires were surveyed 2 Number of tuberculosis cases in the medical-related industries (2 688 medical staff and 28 hospital elevator workers) in 2 716 cases Number of tuberculosis cases 46 (medical staff 43 and elevator workers 3) The incidence rate was 1.69% (46/2 716). Of the 2 688 medical staffs, 43 had pulmonary tuberculosis (1.60%, 43/2 688). The prevalence rates of medical staff in different departments were different. Among all the departments that participated in the survey, Respiratory medical staff the highest incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis (7.91%, 11/139), the incidence was significantly different from other departments (P <0.05). Conclusions The incidence rates of tuberculosis among medical staff in different medical departments are different, and medical staff in departments closely related to the treatment of tuberculosis are susceptible to tuberculosis and should be given high priority.
[目的]了解郫县病毒性肝炎的流行特征,为制定防制策略提供科学依据。[方法]对2004~2011年郫县病毒性肝炎疫情资料进行分析。[结果]2004~2011年郫县累计报告病毒性肝炎3 979例,