
来源 :石河子农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljlshh2003
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石河子地区大葱病毒病主要表现为黄化、矮缩、条纹症。1986年我们从本院表现黄化、条纹症的大葱病株上分离到一个病毒分离物—86—1。经寄主范围测定,其奇主范围很窄,只感染百合科的大葱、洋葱和韭菜等。通过汁液摩擦和蚜虫传染,光学显微镜下检查可以看到不定型内含体。病毒致死温度为70—75℃,稀释限点为1000—10000,体外保毒期为4—8天,电镜下观察病毒粒体线状,大小为750—850nm,超薄切片观察,可见风轮状内含体。说明为马铃薯y—组病毒的成员。根据上术特性和有关资料分析,石河子地区大葱病毒病的毒源应是洋葱黄矮病毒。近年来,石河子地区大葱病毒病发生日趋严重,一般发病率为5—10%,重者达25%以上,病株平均减产达27.3%。田间症状主要表现为黄化、矮缩和条纹。病叶有时扭曲,留种株严重矮化、花序减少,有时畸形、结实率降低,减产可达50%,严重影响大葱的生产,为此于1986—1987年对该病毒源进行了初步鉴定。 Shihezi region onion diseases mainly yellow, dwarf, stripe disease. In 1986, we isolated a virus isolate -86-1 from the cucumber plants infected with yellowing and stripe disease in our hospital. Measured by the host range, its odd main range is very narrow, only infected with lily family of onions, onions and leeks. Through the juice friction and aphid infection, under the light microscope examination can see the unshaped inclusion body. The lethal temperature of the virus is 70-75 ° C., the dilution limit is 1000-10000, and the in vitro protective period is 4-8 days. The virus particles are linear and the size is 750-850 nm under electron microscopy. Inclusion body. Illustrated as a member of the potato y-group virus. According to the characteristics of the surgery and the related data analysis, Shihezi region shallot virus disease source should be onion yellow dwarf virus. In recent years, the epidemic of Shigezi in the Shihezi area has become more and more serious. The prevalence is 5-10% in most cases, more than 25% in severe cases and 27.3% in diseased plants. Field symptoms mainly manifested as yellowing, dwarfing and stripes. The diseased leaves are sometimes distorted, leaving the plants severely dwarfed, inflorescence reduced, sometimes deformity, reduced seed set, yield up to 50%, seriously affecting the production of green onions, for the 1986 - 1987 preliminary identification of the virus source.
本刊讯 广东省卫生厅最近透露,这个省已经初步建立起重大疫情、公共卫生突发事件和反恐应急网络,针对食物中毒、投毒、化学、核事故等进行应急处理。 The Journal of Healt
《蓝色多瑙河》是奥地利音乐家约翰·施特劳斯所创作的圆舞曲,也是最著名、最经典的一首乐曲,每年的维也纳新年音乐会都将这首乐曲作为保留曲目演出。 The Blue Danube is a