
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hrbqian
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伴随着课程改革的不断深入,在“全面实现历史教育功能,提高现代公民人文素养”思想的指导下,高中历史逐渐形成了基础为重,能力为要,素养为魂的教学理念。那么,教学实践中,我们如何以知识为载体,来培养学生能力,提升学科素养,增强高中历史教学的有效性呢?通过设置历史问题创设新的情境,“情境型问题”教学法成为较为有效的方法之一。这些历史问题的“新情境”应该如何创设呢?一、撷取鲜活史料创设历史问题的情境 With the continuous deepening of curriculum reform, under the guidance of the thought of “realizing the historical education function in an all-round way and enhancing the humanistic accomplishment of modern citizens”, the history of high school has gradually formed a teaching philosophy based on the foundation, ability and soul. So, in the teaching practice, how can we use the knowledge as the carrier to train the students’ abilities, improve the academic quality and enhance the effectiveness of the history teaching in senior high schools? By setting up the historical problems and creating the new situations, the “situational problems” teaching method becomes One of the more effective ways. How should the “new situation” of these historical issues be created? First, the scenario of capturing fresh historical materials to create historical issues
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