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奥林匹克运动是一种民间体育活动,但奥林匹克运动的宗旨及活动不能违背国际法基本原则。奥林匹克运动在某些具体方面还能促进国际法的实现及完善。 The Olympic Movement is a kind of folk sports activities. However, the purpose and activities of the Olympic Movement can not be contrary to the basic principles of international law. In some specific aspects, the Olympic Movement can also promote the realization and improvement of international law.
The electrical conductivity of H2O in solid and liquid phases has been measured at 0.21-4.18 GPa and 20-350℃. The results indicate: ( i ) different phases of
世界著名钢琴家鲁宾斯坦说,评价一座城市,要看它拥有多少书店。  眼下,在读屏时代,电子化阅读如潮水一般,几乎将所有人裹挟其中,即使钟爱纸质书的人,也有相当一部分渐渐疏远了书店。人们还需要实体书店吗?  或许,到这些书店走走看看,你就会有不同的发现和感受。  2017年1月14日下午,石家庄勒泰写字楼A座某房间。  午后的阳光透过落地窗洒满半间屋子,靠窗摆放的几对明黄色沙发更显温暖。六七位年轻人舒服
A novel capillary electrophoresis (CE) method for determining acyclovir (ACV) in urine was presented. The separation was performed at 24℃ in a fused silica cap
富Fe的Nd-Fe-B纳米晶合金的磁性和结构实验用的含88~90at%Fe的Nd-Fe-B合金在电弧炉中熔炼,用单辊快淬设备制成15μm厚、1mm宽的条带,冷却辊速约为42m/s。条带在8~10-3Pa真空下于873~1023K退火60~3600s,... Magnetic and structural experiments
FeCoN soft magnetic thin films are prepared by using the reactive direct-current magnetron sputtering technique.It is found that the addition of N2 can reduce t
[Objective] To discuss the protection and regulatory effects of Yupingfeng polysaccharides on immunosuppressed mice. [Methods] The immunosuppressive mice model
<正> 游泳是夏季最理想的运动项目,也是我国高校体育教材的重要内容之一。游泳活动具有明显的竞技性,又是实际生活的一种技能。游泳对匀称地发展肌肉,增强耐寒能力,锻炼内脏
THE ZnO powder (micro-crystallites), an important functional material, has a wide applica-tion in the fields of ceramics, coatings and electronic devices. Howe
A now polarographic immunoassay was developed In this assay,human serum albumin (HSA) as the model antigen was covalently labeled with organic compound erythro