Autonomous fault-diagnosis and decision-making algorithm for determining faulty nodes in distributed

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In this paper, we address fault-diagnosis agreement(FDA) problems in distributed wireless networks(DWNs) with arbitrary fallible nodes and healthy access points. We propose a new algorithm to reach an agreement among fault-free members about the faulty ones. The algorithm is designed for fully connected DWN and can also be easily adapted to partially connected networks. Our contribution is to reduce the bit complexity of the Byzantine agreement process by detecting the same list of faulty units in all fault-free members. Therefore, the malicious units can be removed from other consensus processes. Also, each healthy unit detects a local list of malicious units, which results in lower packet transmissions in the network. Our proposed algorithm solves FDA problems in 2t+1 rounds of packet transmissions, and the bit complexity in each wireless node is O(nt+1). We this a new algorithm to reach an agreement among fault-free members about the faulty ones. The In this paper, we address fault-diagnosis agreement (FDA) problems in distributed wireless networks (DWNs) with arbitrary fallible nodes and healthy access points. The contribution is to reduce the bit complexity of the Byzantine agreement process by detecting the same list of faulty units in all connected-free members. Therefore, the malicious units can be removed from other consensus processes. Also, each healthy unit detects a local list of malicious units, which results in lower packet transmissions in the network. Our proposed algorithm solves FDA problems in 2t + 1 rounds of packet transmissions, and the bit complexity in each wireless node is O (nt + 1).
我和任志强认识这么多年,可他说我们还称不上是老朋友,充其量是个“中朋友”。他所理解的老朋友是那种一起上过学,要不就是一起下过乡,或者是一起当兵扛过枪的。像我这样后来做生意认识的,不够老朋友的级别。  中朋友就中朋友吧,好歹也是朋友。  任志强做生意有一个特点,他从来不考虑别人赚多少钱,都是互惠互利的事,你要是觉得合适你就卖,你要觉得合适你就买。他不同意一些年轻人把房价过高的原因全都归到开发商身上,
目的:探讨右美托咪定复合小剂量瑞芬太尼用于全麻拔管期,是否可有效避免或减少拔管期及苏醒期的不良反应,减少药物相关副作用,达到“安静”拔管的目的。   方法:选择年龄20-60
STEP是ISO提出的产品数据表达与交换的标准,在STEPPart42中对标准中的几何模式进行了定义.本文分析了Part42中的几何模式实体,并对几何模式实体的实现进行了一些探讨。 STEP is