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利用飞机防治森林害虫,具有速度快、效果好、省劳力、成本低等优点。但是,由于它是现代机械化作业,涉及面广,技术性强,有一定局限性,不是任何地点、任何时间都可以使用飞机治虫。根据几年来参加实际工作的体会,要提高杀虫效果,达到彻底防治害虫的目的,除加强领导,作好防治前的一系列准备工作,如调查清楚虫情、备足药剂、训练讯号和效果检查人员外,还必须严格认真掌握以下几个环节。 一、注意地形和林相条件 地形位置和起伏程度对飞机治虫效果好坏的影响很大。山区地形复杂,有高矮不齐的山峰,又有山顶、山腰、山脚之分,由于飞机喷药是在山顶以上沿山脊飞行,山顶和山腰距飞机较近,药粉降于林中的时间短,林地单位面积上受药量多,杀虫效果好。而山腰以下的山脚、山洼因距机身较远,有一部分药粉由于受偏风和上升气流的影响而飘散或长时间不能降于林地,单位面积上受药稀少,故杀虫效果差。例如1960年9月在远安县用飞机防治松毛虫,检查23处,山顶和山腰 The use of aircraft to control forest pests has the advantages of fast speed, good effect, labor saving and low cost. However, since it is a modern mechanized operation, involving a wide range of technical, technical and has some limitations, not anywhere, the aircraft can be used at any time pest control. According to the experience of taking part in practical work over the past few years, we must improve insecticidal effects and achieve the goal of thoroughly controlling pests. In addition to strengthening leadership and preparing for a series of preparatory work before the prevention and control, such as investigating insects, adequate preparations, training signals and effects Inspection personnel, but also must strictly grasp the following aspects. First, pay attention to terrain and forest conditions Terrain topography and degree of impact on the aircraft pest control effect is great. Mountain topography is complex, there are irregular peaks, and the peak, the mountain, the foot of the mountain, as the aircraft is sprayed in the mountains above the ridge flight, the mountaintop and mountainside closer to the aircraft, the powder in the forest in a short time, Woodland unit area by the amount of drug, insecticidal effect is good. The foot of the hillside below the mountain depression away from the fuselage because part of the powder because of the impact of partial winds and rising air drift or for a long time can not be reduced to woodland, unit area sparsely received drugs, so insecticidal effect is poor. For example, in September 1960 in Yuan’an County, the plane was used to control pine caterpillars, checking 23 places, the summit and the mountainside
今年上半年,粘虫在福建浦城县普通发生,为害早稻,密度较大。并在夏季仍发现粘虫活动,兹将粘虫在浦城越夏情况报导如下: 1.田间检查:7月2日至8月17日,我们分别在水南农场、后
在苹果检验工作中,为了获得大量苹果炭疽病孢子作接种防治试验,过去在25℃下需培养一个月左右才能获得,经试验在28℃下发育较快。在此基础卜,又根据 Stevens 用紫外线照射,
苹果炭疽病在山东菏泽、青岛、聊城、济宁、临沂等地区,均有不同程度的为害,严重时病果率高达80%以上。 1.炭疽病消长与气候因子的关系 多雨、多湿、高温的条件最利于发病。