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三峡工程真正的难题在移民。是什么使三峡库区旧貌换新颜,是什么促进了三峡库区百万移民这道“世界级难题”的破解?究其原因,就是以“顾全大局的爱国精神、舍己为公的奉献精神、万众一心的协作精神、艰苦奋斗的拼搏精神”为核心内涵的“三峡移民精神”的巨大力量。尤其是万众一心的协作精神,充分展现了中华民族的优良传统,体现了全国“一盘棋”的大局现,展示了集中力量办大事的优越性,奏响了一曲团结奋进的时代颂歌。协作精神是实现百万移民的强力保障。 Three Gorges Project real puzzle in immigration. What makes the Three Gorges Reservoir Area a new look, what promoted the demolition of the “world-class problems” in the Three Gorges Reservoir area by millions of immigrants? The reason is that “taking into account the overall patriotism, self-denying the public Dedication, the spirit of collaboration and cooperation, the hard work of fighting spirit ”as the core content of the“ Three Gorges immigrants spirit ”tremendous power. In particular, the united spirit of one heart and one mind, which fully demonstrated the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, embodies the overall situation of “one game of chess” across the country, shows the superiority of concentrating efforts on major affairs and has played an ode to the times in unity and forge ahead. Collaboration is a powerful guarantee for millions of immigrants.
Bridge piers are impacted by autos sometimes. The pier usually has not been destroyed after once impact by auto. But there are few research on damage which will
1.昔日滚滚的自行车流正在消失, 取而代之的是汽车“长龙”。自行车是否就此退出历史舞台? 曾经,自行车是中国人的主要出行工具,浩浩荡荡的自行车大军成了中国城市的一大独特
Poland, a country in the Eastern Europe, has a traditional friendship with China. It was one of the first countries to recognize the new China in 1949. Despite