寒假求职地图 成都

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又到了一年中节日最为集中的时候了。圣诞钟声、新年祝福、辞旧迎新,到处洋溢着团团喜气,而一年中最有意义的假期也随之到来。对于面临毕业的大学生来说,这个寒假还有着更为非凡的意义。这是如此重大的一个转折,即将褪去学校人的光环,迈出走向社会的第一步。而能否找到一份合意的工作就成了这个转折是否顺利和成功进行的关键所在。求职,这个在大冷天中进行的身体和心理双项“运动”,有成功者身心俱受鼓舞,在这样的大冷天里内心充满了绵绵的暖意。也有不少人在忙碌而紧张的“运动”过后,却是身心俱疲,备感寒意。寒假将至,顾不得体会周遭温馨的节日气氛,他们早已打好了背包,收拾好了行囊,准备为自己的将来做一次最有力的冲刺。寒假的人才市场热闹如常。各类招聘会层起不穷,求职的、招人的纷纷在这个飘雪的寒冬忙碌着。然而对于刚刚走出校园的大学生来说,充足的准备是不可或缺的。出发之前,对于目的地的情况心里总得有个谱,“不打无准备之仗”是自古真理。在此,我们为你递上一份寒假求职地图,这张地图上粗略地绘制了各大城市的招聘会时间、场地,每个城市的基本情况以及对于人才的需求状况,同时还为你准备了有关该城市衣食住行等生活方面的说明。礼物虽小情意浓,我们期待这个寒冬出门在外的你,更多地感受温暖,更多地收获希望与成功! It's time for the most concentrated festival in a year. Christmas bells, New Year's greetings, greetings and greetings are welcome everywhere, and the most meaningful holiday of the year will follow. For the graduates of college students, this winter has a more extraordinary significance. It is such a major turning point, that it will soon fade away from the aura of school personnel and take the first step towards social development. And finding the right job has become the key to the success of this transition. Job seekers, this physical and psychological “exercise” in the great cold day, with the winner of body and mind invigorated, in such a cold day heart full of warmth. There are also many people who are physically and mentally exhausted and chilling after their “intense” exercise. Winter vacation is approaching, refused to appreciate the warm atmosphere of the surrounding, they have already laid a backpack, packed up, ready to do their best for the future sprint. Winter vacation talent market as usual. Various types of recruitment will rise from time to time, job seekers, recruit people have been busy in this snow-drifting winter. However, for university students who have just walked out of campus, adequate preparation is indispensable. Before departure, there is always a spectrum in the minds of the destination. “Never fight for unpreparedness” is an ancient truth. Here, we hand you a winter job search map, this map rough drawn on the recruitment time in major cities, venues, the basic situation of each city and the demand for talent, but also for you The city's basic necessities of life and other aspects of the description. Although the gift is a little affectionate, we look forward to you who are away from home in this cold winter, feel more warmth, and reap more hope and success!
各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 为贯彻落实党的十六大和十六届三中全会精神,深入实施“科教兴鲁”和“人才强省”战略