Costar Subcategories and Cotilting Subcategories with Respect to Cotorsion Triples

来源 :数学研究及应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzd_1983
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Let A be an abelian category,and (X,(Z),y) be a complete hereditary cotorsion triple.We introduce the definition of n-y-cotilting subcategories of A,and give a characterization of n-y-cotilting subcategories,which is similar to Bazzoni characterization of n-cotilting modules.As an application,we prove that if GP is n-GI-cotilting over a virtually Gorenstein ring R,then R is an n-Gorenstein ring,where GP denotes the subcategory of Gorenstein projective R-modules and GI denotes the subcategory of Gorenstein injective R-modules.Furthermore,we investigate n-costar subcategories over arbitrary ring R,and the relationship between n-I-cotilting subcategories with respect to cotorsion triple (P,R-Mod,I) and n-costar subcategories,where P denotes the subcategory of projective left R-modules and I denotes the subcategory of injective left R-modules.
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