Amperometric Enzyme Biosensor for the Determination of High Concentration Lactate in Whole Blood of

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Amperometric biosensor applied to the determination of high concentration lactate in serum and whole blood was described.The biosensor was constructed by gold electrode modified with nanoplatinum particles.Lactate oxidase (E.C. was immobilized at platinized activated gold electrode which was used for the determination of high concentration lactate at low potential (+0.2 V).The linear calibration graphs were obtained from 1 to 21 mmol·L~ (-1) lactate in serum and from 0.9 to 13.2 mmol.L~ (-1) lactate in whole blood.The correlation coefficients were 0.99 and 0.97,respectively at a steady-state response time of 50 s. Amperometric biosensor applied to the determination of high concentration lactate in serum and whole blood was described. The biosensor was constructed by gold electrode modified with nanoplatinum particles. Lactate oxidase (EC was immobilized at platinized activated gold electrode which was used for the The linearization profiles were obtained from 1 to 21 mmol·L -1 lactate in serum and from 0.9 to 13.2 mmol·L -1 lactate in whole blood.The correlation coefficients were 0.99 and 0.97, respectively at a steady-state response time of 50 s.
幼儿园工作过程中,由于各方面原因,家长投诉事件时有发生。针对家长投诉,作为园长应该如何正确地处理呢?下面分享一则发生在我园的真实案例。  一天清晨,我刚到办公室,一位家长面带怒容地敲门而入。我一边请他落座,一边询问:“您好,请问您有什么事?”“园长,咱们园有监控吗?我是大×班浩浩(化名)的爸爸,老师说我家孩子淘气,我想看看他怎么淘气了?”听完家长的话,我答道:“很抱歉,目前班里没有安监控。请问您的
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