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人“食五谷杂粮,受雨露风霜”,生病总是难免的。如今去医院看病,患者又多了新的选择。据悉,目前在北京已有25家取得从业资格的中外合资、合作经营的“洋医院”,其中综合性的诊所大约5至6家。北京国际医疗中心、和睦家医院等“洋医院”已经在北京医疗市场与国有医院展开了竞争。 People “eat whole grains and are exposed to rain and frost” and it is always inevitable to get sick. Now to go to the hospital to see a doctor, the patient has a new choice. It is reported that there are currently 25 Sino-foreign joint ventures and cooperatively-operated “foreign hospitals” in Beijing, of which about 5 to 6 are comprehensive clinics. Beijing International Medical Center, Yujia Hospital and other “foreign hospitals” have competed with state-owned hospitals in the Beijing medical market.
(2008年1月25日)市人大常委会:根据《中华人民共和国审计法》的有关规定,2007年3月至5月,我市开展了对2006年 (January 25, 2008) Municipal People’s Congress Standing C
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