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国家能源开发重点从东向西逐步转移,七十年代始现动向,时今已成定局.这一趋势的出现,将给尚待大规模开发的内蒙古自治区,带来煤炭工业崛起和经济振兴的机缘.机缘是风,我区是船.东风已起,就看我们怎样驾帆起程了.我区已步履了三十九载的发展历程,就要步入“不惑之年”了.如何把握时机,靠外延发展自己,靠内涵自我发展,将是对自治区成熟程度的测试.发展是为着经济繁荣,人民富裕.使地处边陲的两千多万人脱贫致富,确是难事,但亦非难事.只要总结以往发展中的经验,吃透国情、区情,在开发重点西移的趋势下抓住时机,发挥我区煤炭优势,制定科学经 The focus of energy development in the country will gradually shift from east to west, and the trend of seventies will start to take shape nowadays. The emergence of this trend will give the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region yet to be extensively developed and bring about the rise of the coal industry and the revitalization of the economy The opportunity is the wind, my area is the boat .From the east has been to see how we sail departure .My district has walked thirty-nine years of the development process, it is necessary to enter the “never-confused year.” How to grasp Timing will depend on the extension of self-development and self-development by means of connotation to test the degree of maturity of the autonomous region. Development is for economic prosperity and people are prosperous. It is indeed difficult for the more than 20 million people who are located in the margins to get out of poverty and become rich. As long as summing up the past experience of development, through national conditions, regional conditions, focusing on the development of the trend of moving west to seize the opportunity to give play to the advantages of coal in our region to develop science by
丰县位于江苏肖最西北部,地处苏、鲁、皖三省交界处。辖25个乡镇,面积1448.9平方公里,耕地131.71万亩,人口89万。丰县地势高亢,河短源缺,多呈季节性河流。上游 Fengxian Co
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As a universal conclusion of turbulent scale, scaling laws are important to the research on statistic turbulence. We measured two-dimensional instantaneous velo