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春回大地,万物复苏。清晨的第一缕阳光越过地平线,照耀大地,马路两侧的小树开着小紫花,散发出一股淡淡的清香。此时,巷子里早市的叫卖声此起彼伏。人们从四面八方赶来,步履匆匆,挑选着琳琅满目的商品。花丛中,成对的蝴蝶为了存活,寻觅着可吃的食物,小鸟为了生命早起出来找虫吃。其实,无论是人还是别的生物,都是为了生存而奔跑。人的一生像一条长长的路,有的路蜿蜒曲折,有的路平坦宽广,有的路布满荆棘,有的路遍地鲜花。无 Spring back to earth, everything recovery. The first ray of sunshine in the morning crossed the horizon and shone on the earth. The small trees on both sides of the road opened a small purple flower, emitting a faint fragrance. At this point, the morning market in the alley serenity. People came in from all directions, hurrying, picking an array of products. Flowers, pairs of butterflies in order to survive, looking for eatable food, birds get up early for life to find insects. In fact, both people and other creatures run to survive. A person’s life is like a long road, some twists and turns, some of the road is flat and broad, some roads covered with thorns, and some flowers everywhere. no
In this paper we present the state of the art of the theoretical background needed for analyzing X-ray absorption spectra in the whole energy range. The multip
Reaction of (ArO)2Sm(THF)4 (ArO = 2,6-di- tert-butyl-4-methylphenolate) with Et2AlCl in THF gives SmCl2 (1) and (ArO)AlEt2(THF) (2) via ligand exchange. Complex
六水合氯化镍催化下 ,β 酮酸酯、芳香醛和脲在无水乙醇中进行环化缩合反应 ,合成了 3,4 二氢嘧啶 2 酮衍生物 ,改进了Biginelli反应 ,缩短了反应时间 ,且操作简便、产率高
The micropattern observed in the amorphous azobenzene polymer film by degenerated four-wave mixing has been reported. Patterns with well-defined structures are