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全草类中药材一般混入大量杂质杂草及泥沙灰屑,人们常视为“毛毛草草”。其炮制工艺虽不十分复杂,但如掌握不当,难免影响饮片质量。《中华人民共和国药典》(以下简称药典)1990版对全草类中药的炮制方法作了非常正确的规定,体现了以充分保持药效为前提。如一般全草类品种规定为:“除去杂质,洗净,切段,晒干;”进而规定有“略洗、迅速洗净、稍浸、稍润、润透”等。但对属芳香性质的品种,则炮制规定各有不同。如细辛:“除去杂质,喷淋清水,稍润,切段,阴干。”荆芥:“除去杂质,喷淋清水,洗净,润透,切段,晒干。”薄荷:“除去老茎及杂质,略喷清水,稍润,切短段,及时低温干燥。”香薷:“除去残根及杂质, Herbs are generally mixed with a large number of impurities in weeds and silt dust, people often regarded as “Mao grass grass.” Although its processing technology is not very complicated, but if it is not properly handled, it will inevitably affect the quality of the pieces. The 1990 edition of the “Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the Pharmacopoeia) gave very correct prescriptions for the preparation of the whole herb medicines, which demonstrated the premise of fully maintaining the efficacy. Such as the general category of the whole plant is defined as: “remove impurities, wash, cut into sections, dried;” and then specify the “slightly wash, wash quickly, slightly dip, slightly moist, run through” and so on. However, for aromatic species, the concoction rules vary. Such as Asarum: “Remove impurities, spray water, slightly moist, cut into sections, dry.” Nepeta: “Remove impurities, spray water, wash, run through, cut into sections, dried.” Mint: "Remove old Stems and impurities, slightly sprayed water, slightly moistened, cut short sections, and dried in a timely manner at low temperature.” Toona sinensis: “remove residual roots and impurities,
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方药组成 车前仁20g 泽兰7g 丹皮10g 牛膝10g 知母7g 泽泻10g 刺猬皮10g 王不留行15g 益母草15g 地龙10g。 主治 平素体健无恙,婚后久未生育,偶见阳萎、早泄、腰痠不适。精
全国凿岩机械气动工具标准化技术委员会 (以下简称凿标委 )三届一次年会暨标准复审工作会议于 2 0 0 1年 4月 14日~ 17日在广西桂林市召开。参加会议的有凿标委委员和其他相关
洲况阮附犯晰叱盆甜旅侧艺一欲砂欲甲吃笋犷宙标啾吩︺分献扩甜犷鑫油公滋l肠昂犷临琳践甜威价脚犷︸粼器豁价积啊产沪尹豁公粉影阶榔娜疹树却抓呱﹄︸鲡咐。翔O版踢短C11 .10省瞿翼-