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随着新课改实施的不断深入以及素质教育的全面推进,人们开始注重学生的全面发展和身心的健康成长,并对体育教学引起了高度的重视。在高中体育教学中,传统的教学方法已难以适应和满足当前高中体育教学的需求,且面对现代学生之间的差异,对高中体育教学模式进行改革已是高校教育教学的当务之急。经相关实践证明,分层教学法能够在高中体育教学中发挥很好的作用。因此,基于分层教学法对云南省普洱市高中体育教学进行了一定研究。 With the deepening of the new curriculum reform and the overall promotion of quality education, people began to pay attention to the all-round development of students and the healthy growth of body and mind, and attracted great attention to physical education. In the high school PE teaching, the traditional teaching methods have been difficult to adapt to and meet the needs of the current high school PE teaching. In the face of the differences among the modern students, the reform of the PE teaching model in the high school has become the most urgent task in college education. Relevant practice has proved that the layered teaching method can play a very good role in high school physical education. Therefore, based on stratified teaching method, some research is done on PE teaching in Pu’er city, Yunnan province.
Field experiments were conducted under artificial rainfalls to investigate the processes of soil failures on slope.It is found that the failures were temporally
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