Analysis of Oil and Gas Policies in Major Countries of the World

来源 :China Oil & Gas | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyslymx2
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<正>Policies of major resource countries are different from those of major consumption countries.Policies of the former aimed at activating the oil and gas industry,enhancing its competiveness and expanding markets.While the latter change their attit
<正>The overseas oil and gas production by Chinese oil enterprises maintained stable growth in 2014.Driven by China’s new national strategy‘One Belt and One R
<正>The nation should maintain close cooperation with Russia in the energy sector and accelerate a new natural gas pipeline project,said China’s Vice-Premier Z
<正>Urban smog issue has become more and more heated topic in China in recent years.Vehicle pollution is one of the main reasons for smog and haze in most large
<正>China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC),the country’s largest energy producer,is seeking to combine units to create a single gas company to compete with
<正>The Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone in the Pearl River Delta city of Huizhou,Guangdong Province,is striving to develop its petrochemica
<正>As the downward trend levels out,companies from China are finding big bargains around the globe.A new wave of Chinese outbound oil acquisitions is expected
<正>Net profits of Petro China edged up 0.8 percent year on year to 96.05 billion yuan(US$15.64 billion)in the first three quarters of 2014,according to the new