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从本期开始,本刊特辟“电影与性”专辑,分两期载完。今后本刊还将继续择优刊载这方面的文章,期望引起读者对这一问题的关注。 在银幕上展示人的性爱活动或是以引起性幻想的色情景象,几乎是在电影成为一种大众娱乐品的同时就开始的。由于电影形象的高度清晰性和活动性,银幕上的性描写长期受到查禁。本世纪初美国银幕上出现接吻或裸体舞女的镜头时,全国舆论大哗,并导致愈来愈严格的电影审查清规的出台。鉴于电影性形象的直接刺激力,鉴于人们很难判别影片摄制者的表现目的,直到本世纪中叶,即便是西方发达国家,也始终坚持无区别地一律禁止在公共银幕上出现性描写或其他色情形象。在相当长的一个时期里,甚至以保护言论表达自由闻名的美国宪法第一补充条款也把电影列为例外。在舆论和法律的强大压力下,不能也不愿忽视作为人类基本活动之一的性活动的电影艺术家们便发明了无数精巧微妙的方式来实现他们的创作意图。在另一方面,刻意利用性来牟利的人们也从未放弃过向这一道德禁区的邪恶的冲击。西方电影的性禁区终于在六七十年代被彻底冲破(先在西欧,最后在美国)之后,艺术与商业的界线在观众心目中已不可能存在。这个历史过程既使“电影与性”这一课题的专门研究者们感到惶惑,同时还使他们感到兴奋,其中更大有文 Starting from this issue, we publish the “Film and Sex” album, which is completed in two phases. In the future, we will continue to publish this article in a selective manner in the hope of arousing readers’ attention on this issue. Showing a person’s sexual activity on screen or a pornographic image that causes sexual fantasies starts almost at the same time as the movie becomes a mass entertainment. Due to the high degree of clarity and activity of the film image, sex depiction on the screen has long been banned. When kissing or naked dancers appeared on the screen of the United States this early in the century, there was a great uproar throughout the country and led to the introduction of more stringent film censorship rules. In view of the direct stimulus of the cinematic image, given that it is hard to tell the filmmaker’s purpose of performance until the middle of the century, even in the developed western countries, he has consistently and indiscriminately forbid sexual depictions or other pornography on the public screen Image. For a long period of time, the movie was even exempt even from the First Supplement to the American Constitution, best known for protecting the freedom of expression. Under the heavy pressure of public opinion and law, film artists who can not and will not ignore the sexual activities that are one of the basic human activities have invented innumerable subtle ways to realize their creative intention. On the other hand, those who deliberately exploit profit-making have never given up the evil impact on this moral restricted area. After the sexual exclusion zone of Western movies was finally broken through in the 1960s and 1970s (first in Western Europe and finally in the United States), the boundary between art and commerce has become impossible for the audience. This historical process not only puzzles but also excites specialists in the topic of “Film and Sex”, of which there are more
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