加快发展生态文明 努力建设美丽宁波

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中共宁波市委十二届五次全体(扩大)会议于5月24日举行,会议审议并通过《中共宁波市委关于加快发展生态文明努力建设美丽宁波的决定》,力争到2016年成为国家级生态市;到2020年进入环境空气质量达标城市行列,率先创建全国生态文明示范城市。省委常委、市委书记刘奇在会上讲话。会议指出,建设美丽宁波是发展所需、民心所盼,必须摆到更加突出的位置。要把改善生态环境作为最大实事,举全市之力加快建设美丽宁波。把美丽宁波建设融入实现“两个基本”目标、建设“四好示范区”的全过程,进一步推动形成“生态文明是科学发展的题中之义”、“生态环境是永续发展的基本要素”、“生态品质是普惠共享的民生福祉”、“生态建设是全民参与的社会工程”这四种共识,以更强的决心、更大的力度、更实的举措发展生态文明,努力以生态之美、环境之美彰显宁波之美。 The 5th Session of the 12th Session of the CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee (Enlarged) Meeting was held on May 24, which discussed and approved the “Decision of the CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee on Accelerating the Development of Ecological Civilizations and Building a Beautiful Ningbo”, and strived to become a national eco-city ; By 2020, it will enter the ranks of cities that meet the standards of ambient air quality and take the lead in creating a model city for ecological civilization in China. Provincial Party Committee, Party Secretary Liu Qi speech at the meeting. The meeting pointed out that the construction of a beautiful Ningbo is required for development and the people are looking forward to it and must put it in a more prominent position. To improve the ecological environment as the most important thing, give the city the power to speed up the construction of beautiful Ningbo. The beautiful Ningbo Construction into the realization of “two basic ” goal, building “four good demonstration area ” the whole process, to further promote the formation of “ecological civilization is the scientific development of the meaning of”, “ecological environment Is the basic element of sustainable development ”, “ ecological quality is the welfare of people’s livelihood that Pratt & Whitney shares ”, “ ecological construction is universal participation in social engineering ”these four kinds of consensus, with stronger determination, greater Efforts will be made to develop eco-civilization by making more efforts, demonstrating the beauty of Ningbo with the beauty of the environment and the beauty of the environment.
《核反应和电离辐射的量和单位》国家标准的修订陈丽姝(中国原子能科学研究院,北京,102413)1982年国家标准总局批准发布了我国第一套15项各科学技术领域中使用的量和单位的国家标准(GB3100,GB3101以及GB3102.1-GB3102.13... R
[摘 要] 现代学徒制是产教融合的基本制度载体和有效实现形式,也是国际上职业教育发展的基本趋势和主导模式,通过阐述现代学徒制的内涵和学前教育专业顶岗实习的重要意义,剖析在中职学前教育顶岗实习中实施现代学徒制存在的问题,从而探究在学前教育顶岗实习中实施现代学徒制的策略,思考如何更好更快地实行具有本国特色的现代学徒制。  [关 键 词] 现代学徒制;学前教育;顶岗实习  [中图分类号] G710 [文