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10月10日,国家能源局下发《关于进一步调控煤电规划建设的通知》(国能电力[2016]275号,以下简称《通知》)。《通知》表示,为化解煤电潜在过剩风险,今年以来,国家发展改革委、国家能源局联合印发了《关于促进我国煤电有序发展的通知》(发改能源[2016]565号)等文件,促进煤电有序发展。各省(区、市)和各发电企业积极部署、认真落实,取得了一定成效。但是,“十三五”期间我国煤电过剩风险日益显现,各地违规建设煤电项目情况仍然存在。为贯彻落实国务院工作部署,进一步做好煤电规划建 On October 10, the National Energy Administration issued the “Circular on Further Regulation and Control of Coal and Electricity Planning and Construction” (Guoneng Electricity [2016] No. 275, hereinafter referred to as the “Circular”). The circular said that in order to address the potential risks of excess coal power this year, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the Circular on Promoting the Orderly Development of Coal and Electricity in China (FGD Energy [2016] No. 565). Documents, and promote the orderly development of coal. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and all power generation enterprises actively deployed and conscientiously implemented and achieved some success. However, during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, the risk of excess coal and electricity in China is becoming increasingly apparent. The illegal construction of coal-fired power projects in various places still exist. In order to implement the work plan of the State Council, further improve the coal power planning and construction
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BACKGROUND:In patients with end-stage liver disease,liver transplantation is the only available curative treatment.Although the outcome and quality of life in t
“你没有任何策划成功的案例,高手不是说出来的。”负责面试的经理翻看完甄彦的简历如是说。“您跟我来,”甄彦带着经理走到窗前,指着楼下的一个乞丐说,“这样吧,我现在就以他为目标做个策划……”随后他把策划跟经理说了,经理同意让他一试。  过了三天,一则乞丐拾金不昧,捡到价值一万的手表归还给失主的新闻见诸报端,并很快在网络上传播开来。大家纷纷表示要为这个乞丐做点什么。几天后,一则偷拍的视频出现在网上。一位