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中暑体温过高机制目前尚无一致看法,但有的作者提出中暑引起外周血液的嗜中性白细胞的改变。由于血液系统对热刺激的反应,有人认为,外周血液涂片检查可以作诊断中暑的依据。Hernadez曾对32名中暑病人进行外周血液徐片观察,发现嗜中性白细胞呈葡萄状变化。本实验继续了“过热大鼠肝脏病理形态观察”,对过热大鼠肝静脉和外周血液进行涂片检查,观察血象中的异常细胞,并与肝窦状隙中碎核细胞计数的结果比较。材料和方法实验用体重180~220克雄性大鼠30只,分为常温对照组10只、过热致死组10只、过热 There is no consensus on the mechanism of hyperthermia in body temperature, but some authors suggest that neutrophil changes in peripheral blood caused by heat stroke. Due to the blood system’s response to thermal stimuli, it has been suggested that peripheral blood smears can be used as a basis for diagnosing heat stroke. Hernadez had observed peripheral blood hyperplasia in 32 patients with heat stroke and found that neutrophils showed grape-like changes. In this experiment, we continued the observation of pathological morphology of superheated rat liver, performed smear tests on hepatic veins and peripheral blood of overheated rats, observed abnormal cells in blood, and compared the results with counts of nucleated sinusoids in liver sinusoids. Materials and Methods Experiments Thirty male rats weighing 180-220 g were divided into 10 normal temperature control groups, 10 overheating death groups, and overheating.
Since the first report on the successful deep cryopreservation of mam-malian embryos in 1972,slow progressing cooling rate has been employ-ed in conventional e
主 任: 潘 辉副主任: 吴承祯 丁珌委员: (按姓氏笔画顺序排列) 刘金福 陈钦 陈晞 肖 胜 郑仁华 林金国 林德根 董建文责任编辑: 丁珌 陈晞 Director: Pan Hui Deputy Direc
今年是牛年,牛对人的贡献不仅是耕田和食用,而且还可用作多种药品原料。牛肉营养丰富,所含的蛋白质比猪肉高一倍,这 This year is the Year of the Ox. The contribution o
CL-1500能使 CCl_4对小鼠的 LD_(50)增大。大鼠静注 CL-1500 100mg/kg,可使胆汁流量增加50%;大鼠灌胃100mg/kg 能明显抑制 CCl_4所致的谷—丙转氨酶的升高。CL-1500小鼠静注
颅针疗法是我国七十年代末用于临床,对常见病包括冠心病在内,疗效显著。为了探讨颅针治疗冠心病的机理,用垂体后叶素给动物造成心肌缺血性模型,进行了如下实验。 Skull acu