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人类中心主义与天人合一詹宇国本文认为,人类中心主义的动机之一是想提高人在宇宙中的地位和尊严;西方近代哲学的特征可以概括为人类中心主义,它实际上是当前全球性的生态危机的文化根源,人类中心主义的长久梦想因此破灭。作者指出,西方现代哲学的发展试图把良好的人... Anthropocentrism and the Unity of Nature and Human Being Zhan Yu-guo This article argues that one of the motivations of anthropocentrism is to improve man’s position and dignity in the universe. The characteristics of Western modern philosophy can be summarized as anthropocentrism, which is actually the current global The cultural roots of the ecological crisis, anthropocentric long-term dreams thus shattered. The author points out that the development of Western modern philosophy tries to bring good people ...
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他们一个个在寒风冷雨中冻得缩在大衣里,表情却雍容安详,一点都不着急的样子。 One by one, they were drenched in coats in the cold and rainy weather. Their expressio