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随着历史新课程改革的深入,美术学科的教学被赋予了新的使命,成为培养学生能力的又一契机。在教学实践中,我们美术教师纷纷在教学理念及教学方法上进行了诸多有益的探讨和尝试,取得一定成绩但随着新课改的深入,也显现一些流于形式的隐忧为全面有效地推进新课程改革,真正有利于学生综合素质的培养,美术新课程改革必须落到实处。课堂教学是贯彻美术新课标的主要渠道。能否激活美术课堂教学是新课标改革实施成败的关键。我们学校以美术新课程标准为依据,针对当前美术教学的现状,做出大胆尝试,并取得比较理想的教学效果。那么,如何打造高效的美术课堂教学呢? With the deepening of the reform of the history of the new curriculum, art teaching has been given a new mission, as a further opportunity to develop students’ abilities. In the teaching practice, our art teachers have carried out many beneficial discussions and attempts on teaching philosophy and teaching methods, and achieved some results. However, with the deepening of the new curriculum reform, some hidden troubles in the form have also appeared in the form of comprehensive and effective promotion The reform of the new curriculum is really conducive to the cultivation of the overall quality of students, and the reform of the new fine arts curriculum must be implemented. Classroom teaching is the main channel to implement the new curriculum standard of fine arts. Whether to activate art class teaching is the key to the success or failure of the new curriculum reform. Our school is based on the new art curriculum standards, aiming at the current situation of art teaching, making bold attempts and achieving satisfactory teaching results. So, how to create efficient art classroom teaching?
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系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)是自身免疫介导的,以免疫性炎症为突出表现的弥漫性结缔组织病.血清中出现多种自身抗体和多系统受累是其主要临床特征.SLE并恶性肿瘤国内报道不多,现报告2例,并结合国内外文献进行分析。