Research on Freeze Drying and High-temperature Molding in Medium-temperature Fluorocarbon Board

来源 :武汉理工大学学报(材料科学版)(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icnew
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A research and test system for the carbon anode plate preparation technology was established to optimize the physical and chemical indicators of carbon anode plates, such as bulk density, resistivity, and compressive strength, and improve the operating cycle. In this study, a carbon plate was prepared via a combination of high-temperature molding and freeze drying using a formulation with asphalt content much lower than the industry standard. The experimental results show that the density of the carbon plate is increased by 0.02-0.04 g/cm3 by improving the drying method. The carbon plate prepared in the laboratory has a bulk density of 1.814 g/cm3, resistivity of 29.8 μΩ·m, and compressive strength of 89.27 MPa. The bulk density, room-temperature resistivity, compressive strength, graphitization, and other key indices of the carbon plates made in the laboratory and those procured from a factory in Shanxi, Datong, were tested. Additionally, the specimens were analyzed using thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray fluorescence. The laboratory-made carbon plates were superior to the factory specimens in terms of all the indicators tested. The process in this study improves the performance of the carbon anode plate and is used to provide technical support for electrolytic fluorine production in enterprises. The carbon plates prepared in the laboratory fully meet the process requirements of a medium-temperature electrolytic fluorine production line, which indicates the possibility of its use in the stable production of fluorine gas.
采用独山子石化公司生产的SBS,分别对塔河基质沥青和塔河镇海掺混基质沥青进行改性.考察了不同SBS、相容剂和稳定剂等对基质沥青性能的影响.结果 表明,使用18%相容剂、0.2%稳定剂A和3.8%SBS能较好地改性塔河基质沥青,增加SBS的用量,有效提升掺混沥青的综合性能.
以EPDM为基体,制备了一种浅色环保型印染EPDM胶辊.结果 表明,所研制的EPDM印染胶辊具有良好的耐酸碱、耐磨、回弹性等性能,可有效提高印染质量和胶辊使用寿命.
基于欧盟标准,对铅芯橡胶支座进行了水平相关性试验,研究了支座水平等效刚度和等效阻尼比与水平相关性的变化规律.结果 表明,水平剪应变、温度、地震频率以及反复加载等因素对支座水平力学性能均存在一定的影响,其中等效刚度随着剪应变的增大而减小,等效阻尼比先增大后减小;支座等效刚度随着频率的增大而增大,等效阻尼比先增大再减小;随着温度的升高,支座的水平等效刚度和等效阻尼比均随着温度的升高而减小.在反复加载过程中,水平力学性能前期的变化幅度明显大于后期,且随着循环次数的增加慢慢趋于平稳.
自然灾害在全球范围频繁发生,给人类社会及自然环境造成极大的破坏.在联合国的倡导与推动下,全球性自然灾害治理取得一定进展和成效,但仍存在预警难度大、响应不及时等问题.地球观测组织(Group on Earth Observations,GEO)作为地球观测领域最大的政府间国际合作组织也将防灾减灾作为其优先发展事项之一,希望通过促进地球观测技术的发展支持落实《仙台减灾框架》,为全球灾害预警、应急响应和灾损评估提供服务.
Al2O3/SiC composite ceramics were prepared from α-Al2O3 and SiC by a pressureless sinter method in this study. The effect of SiC contents on the mechanic properties, phase compositions and microstructure is studied. Experimental results show that the vick
基于0.18 μm CMOS工艺,设计了一种用于生物医学信号的12位逐次逼近型模数转换器(SAR ADC).数模转换器采用分段结构电容阵列,并加入1位冗余位.比较器采用互补输入对管构成的动态比较器,以减小噪声和功耗.栅压自举开关被用于采样保持电路,并增加了堆叠管和虚拟管.针对生物医学信号具有稀疏性的特点,通过延时上极板复位时间的方法检测两次采样电压差值,实现采样率自适应切换.仿真结果表明,在120 kS/s采样率、1V电源电压的条件下,该SAR ADC的功耗仅为4.65μW,无杂散动态范围为76.29 d