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据有关资料统计,黄岩县1972年柑桔面积47529亩,其中结果面积为24619亩,总产为5.04万吨,平均亩产4464斤(按结果面积计算)。到1985年桔园总面积为73197亩,结果面积达44923亩,总产量6.17万吨,亩产2749斤,相隔十三年桔园结果面积净增20034亩,总产虽增加7000吨,但单产则下降了1695斤。这就充分说明柑桔面积的发展与产 According to relevant statistics, the area of ​​citrus in Huangyan County in 1972 was 47,529 mu, of which, the result area was 24,619 mu and the total output was 50,400 tons, with an average yield of 4464 kg per mu (based on the result area). By 1985, the total area of ​​Orange Garden was 73,197 mu, with a total area of ​​44,923 mu and a total output of 61,700 tons, with a yield of 2,749 kg. After a thirteen-year period, the net result of the increase in the number of fruit trees was 20034 mu. Although the total output increased by 7,000 tons, the yield per unit area It dropped 1695 pounds. This fully shows the development and production of citrus area
  Bombyx mori bidensovirus (BmBDV) is a unique virus with two different single-stranded linear DNA molecules, VD1 (6543 nts) and VD2 (6022 nts).VD1-ORF4 is pr
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最近,俄罗斯学者检测了120份可疑糖尿病患者的盯聍(耳屎)发现:完全健康的人,盯聍中不含葡萄糖或含量甚微,糖量超过0.1~0.5微克者为异常。 Recently, Russian scholars tested
年轻的父母在一起闲谈,一个热门话题就是孩子。现在的孩子都很聪明伶俐,在家庭中如众星捧月。为了让孩子茁壮成长,父母费尽了心机。高营养 Young parents chatting togethe
原料:鲜平菇7两,麻油5钱,酱油5钱。制法:将麻油、酱油倒入小碗内搅匀。铝锅上火,倒入开水,待水沸后将洗净的 Raw materials: Fresh Pleurotus 7 two, 5 sesame oil, soy sa