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6月,气候炎热了起来,带来无数恐惧的SARS已经连续多天被控制在零病例之中,终于,WHO于近日对我国相关地区的旅游警告已全部解除,终于,人们可以长长地舒一口气了。随着SARS的降温,各类经济活动开始走出短暂的冬眠,逐渐复苏井且升温,不耐寂寞的城市也恢复了往日的热闹与喧嚣。也许大众是不愿承载太多的令人痛苦与恐惧的东西的,就像历史上的很多瘟疫被人很快忘却一样。城市的角角落落又开始灯红酒绿起来 In June, the weather was hot and the SARS that brought with it a great number of fears had been controlled for zero consecutive cases for several days. Finally, the WHO’s recent warnings about the relevant regions in China have been completely lifted. Finally, people can comfortably relax. Breath. With the cooling of SARS, all kinds of economic activities began to walk out of a short period of hibernation, gradually recovering and warming up, and the impatience of the city has also restored the excitement and embarrassment of the past. Perhaps the general public is not willing to carry too many painful and fearful things, just as many plagues in history were quickly forgotten. The corner of the city falls again
抗击SARS的战役打响后,前线指挥部急需人力,中华医学会国际部的几位工作人员被抽调到卫生部防治SARS办公室。他们从事着不同的工作,却都直接成了这场战役的见证者。 After t
在5月19日召开的第56届世界卫生大会上,韩国人李钟郁博士被WHO 192个成员国代表选为新一届WHO总干事,他是参与联合国领导工作的第一个韩国人。李钟郁博士在接受任命的大会上
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随着我国改革开放的不断深入和社会主义市场经济的逐步完善,我国已进入一个全面创新时期。在新的形势下,医院思想政治工作必须紧密联系实际,不断创新,与时 With the deepen
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