
来源 :中国国际财经(中英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhhaibin
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随着我国社会经济的快速发展,企业发展环境发生了翻天覆地的变化,企业间的竞争也在不断增加,企业内控审计工作也就越来越重要。在复杂多变的经济市场环境中,企业要想在激烈的经济市场竞争中站稳脚步,实现长久稳定的发展,就必须加强企业内控审计工作,完善企业营销管理工作。加强企业内控审计工作不仅可以帮助企业自身快速发展,增加企业经济效益,还对企业营销管理具有重大意义。现阶段,我国各大企业都开始重视企业内控审计工作,并不断完善企业内控审计工作的功能性和实用性,将企业内控管理工作当成企业营销管理的重要手段,并逐渐成为推动我国企业快速发展的重要力量。基于此,各个企业需要对内控审计工作加以重视,科学制定内控审计工作方案,并在实际营销管理工作中严格实施,对企业营销管理工作做到及时监督,从而帮助企业在竞争激烈的市场中站稳脚步。本文通过分析企业内控审计对企业营销管理工作的影响,从而明确企业内控审计工作对企业发展的重要作用,以期帮助企业在营销工作中合理利用审计内控工作,推动企业长久稳定发展。 With the rapid socio-economic development of our country, the environment for business development has undergone tremendous changes. The competition among enterprises is also on the rise. The internal audit of enterprises is also becoming more and more important. In a complex and volatile economic market environment, if an enterprise wants to gain a foothold in the fierce economic market competition and achieve long-term and stable development, it is necessary to strengthen auditing of internal control of the enterprise and improve the marketing and management of the enterprise. Strengthening auditing work of internal control of an enterprise can not only help the rapid development of the enterprise itself, increase the economic benefits of the enterprise, but also have great significance to the marketing management of an enterprise. At this stage, all major enterprises in our country have begun to attach importance to auditing the internal control of the enterprise and constantly improve the functionality and practicability of the auditing of the internal control of the enterprise. They regard the internal control management of the enterprise as an important means of marketing management and have gradually become the key to promote the rapid development of the Chinese enterprises. The important force. Based on this, all enterprises need to attach importance to the internal control audit work, scientifically formulate the internal control audit program of work, and strictly implement the actual marketing management, and timely supervision of enterprise marketing management to help enterprises in the highly competitive market station Steady pace. This article analyzes the impact of internal audit of enterprises on the marketing management of enterprises so as to clarify the important role of internal audit of enterprises in the development of enterprises so as to help them make rational use of audit internal control in marketing work and promote the long-term stable development of the enterprises.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
对某发电厂2×660 MW机组锅炉补给处理水系统超滤装置进水压强异常升高原因进行查找和分析,认为其主要原因为:铝盐在超滤系统内二次沉积及超滤反洗工况控制不佳导致超滤膜