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与瑞典人做生意的十点经验 一、瑞典人最讨厌格守等级观念; 二、向瑞方提供的资料和与瑞典人交流最好使用瑞典语,其次英文,不要使用法文; 三、多数情况下,为避免日后发生意见分歧,应集体作出决策,因此每次决定作出之前,先要征得各层决策者的同意; 四、瑞典市场不大,仅拥有876万人口,但是很有活力,并且愿意接受新技术产品多; 五、瑞典市场欢迎国际竞争,这方面基本上没有限制性的规定; 六、瑞典市场对商品要求高,喜欢质 Ten points of experience in doing business with Swedes 1. The Swedes hate to maintain the concept of hierarchy; 2. The information provided to the Swiss side is best communicated to the Swedes in Swedish, and in English, not in French; 3. In most cases Next, in order to avoid disagreements in the future, decisions should be taken collectively. Therefore, before each decision is made, the consent of decision makers at all levels must be obtained first. Fourth, the Swedish market is small, with only 8.76 million people, but it is very dynamic. And willing to accept more new technology products; Fifth, the Swedish market welcomes international competition, there is basically no restrictive provisions in this regard; Six, the Swedish market demand for goods, like quality
有这样一个故事,在英国,有个叫布罗迪的老师,在整理阁楼上的旧物时,发现了一叠练习册,它是皮 There is such a story. In Britain, a teacher named Brody found a stack of
一、副食品价格 生猪和猪肉价格继续上升,鸡蛋价格有所下降,其它几个品种价格基本稳定在上月水平。 生猪国营收购价格,全国平均每500克(下同)3.95元,比上月3.77元上升4.7%,比
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1994年2月24日到27日在北京怀柔县兴办的全国钓具展销订货会胜利闭幕。这个展销会是由中国轻工总会文教体育用品协会、钓具专业委员会主办、碧海钓具公司承 The national f
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今年9月,中国一航计算机软件可靠性与测评中心(CATC)产品市场化发展主导力量——北京伟晨豪嘉科技有限责任公司(Antares),在北京隆重举行了具有自主知识产权的 In Septembe