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国际单位制(SI)是世界科技界经过长期研究后提出并由国际计量大会通过的计量单位制。它具有科学、实用和简明等优点,被国际公认为比较先进的单位制,并要求逐步予以推行。一九七七年五月二十七日国务院颁发的《中华人民共和国计量管理条例(试行)》中明确规定我国要逐步采用国际单位制。但是,在我们计量行业中,不少科研、教学和测试人员对国际单位制不太熟悉,在他们的学术论文、教学讲稿和测试报告中仍大量使用着不符合国际单位制的单位、单位名称和单位符号。为了做好国际单位制的宣传推广工作,我们约请中国国际单位制推行委员会办公室的李慎安同志以他个人的见解,扼要介绍国际单位制中较为重要的一些问题,包括:物理量和国际单位制、国际单位制的构成、国际单位制的某些特点和规律、具有专门名称的SI导出单位、SI词头及其使用规则、非SI单位的使用、有关计量单位的名称与符号的问题等等。本刊以“SI简介”为题,从本期开始,每期刊出一个问题,连续刊载。读者对“SI简介”有什么意见和要求,请及时向本刊编辑部提出。 International System of Units (SI) is a unit of measurement that has been proposed by the world’s scientific community after long-term research and adopted by the International Conference on Measurement. It has the advantages of being scientific, practical and concise. It is internationally recognized as a relatively advanced unit system and is required to be gradually implemented. On May 27, 1977, the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Metrology and Management (Provisional)” promulgated by the State Council clearly stipulated that China should gradually adopt the system of units of property. However, in our measurement industry, many scientific research, teaching and testing personnel are not familiar with the SI system. In their academic papers, teaching lectures and test reports, there are still a large number of units and unit names that do not conform to the system of units of the United Nations And unit symbol. In order to do a good job in the promotion and promotion of the SI system, we have invited Comrade Li Shenan from the office of the Executive Committee of the China International System Committee to give a brief overview of some of the more important issues in the SI system, including the physical quantities and the international system of units, the international The composition of the unit system, certain characteristics and rules of the international system of units, SI export units with specific names, SI prefixes and their rules of use, the use of non-SI units, the issue of names and symbols of units of measurement and so forth. The magazine “SI Introduction” as a title, starting from this issue, each issue a question, published in a row. Readers of the “SI Introduction” What are the comments and requirements, please promptly submitted to the editorial department.
目的研究恩替卡韦治疗乙型肝炎E抗原(HBeAg)阳性慢性重度乙型肝炎的临床疗效。方法 84例HBeAg阳性慢性重度乙型肝炎患者,随机分为对照组和治疗组,各42例。对照组采用阿德福韦
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在休息室稍等片刻之后,杨再高教授招呼我们进办公室。杨再高是广州市社会科学院副院长,广州市国家中心城市研究基地主任,在区域经济和区域城市发展与规划方面有相当深入的研究。从求学到现在,杨再高研究广州发展多年,已对广州倾注不少时间和感情,求学治学、工作生活在这个城市,在区域研究中又慢慢熟悉了这个城市,他说自己已是半个广州人。  从大山走出来的孩子  杨再高自言是从贵州的大山走出来的,“家就住在半山腰,干