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防感冒保健操。第一节擦鼻:以两手拇指从鼻根沿鼻两侧向下,擦至迎香穴,左右各擦16次。第二节按揉合谷穴:左右手交叉按揉另一手的合谷穴(手背拇指与食指间的凹处)各16次。第三节浴面拉耳:两手掌由前额擦到下颌,再经耳部时用拇指和食指夹住耳垂向外侧轻拉,做16次。第四节揉迎香穴:用两手食指揉鼻两侧的迎香穴,来回旋转各16次。第五节擦风池穴和大椎穴:用右手中间三指从头后面的右风池穴擦到左风池穴,向下经颈后面中部的大椎穴回到右风池穴,重复8次,然后换手。★治风寒感冒。取大蒜、生姜各15克(切片),水一碗,煎至半碗,睡前一次服下。服时加适量红糖。★治疗病毒性上呼吸道感染。大青叶30克、紫草30克,用温水浸泡30—60分钟,然后用文火煎煮,沸后3—5分钟即可。早晚各服1次。 Anti-cold exercises. In the first section, wipe the nose: Using the thumb of both hands, move the nasal roots down the sides of both sides of the nose and wipe them to Ying Xiang, wipe 16 times each time. In the second quarter, rubbing Hegu points: Hegu crosses the other hand’s Hegu point (recess between thumb and forefinger of the back of the hand) 16 times. Section 3 bath surface pull ear: two palms rubbed from the forehead to the jaw, and then through the ear with the thumb and forefinger clip the earlobe gently pull to the outside, do 16 times. In the fourth quarter, knead the Xiang Xiang points: Rub the Ying Xiang points on both sides of the nose with both hands and index fingers and rotate them 16 times. In the fifth section, wipe the wind pool point and Dazhui point: Use the middle finger of the right middle finger to rub the Zuofengchi point from the right wind pool point behind the head and turn back to the right wind pool point through the Dazhui point in the middle of the back of the neck and repeat 8 times. Then change hands. ★ cure colds and colds. Take 15 grams of garlic and ginger (slicing), and make a bowl of water. Cook until half bowl and take it once before going to bed. Add brown sugar when serving. ★ Treatment of viral upper respiratory tract infections. Folium 30 grams, 30 grams of Lithospermum, soaked in warm water for 30-60 minutes, and then use slow fire boiling, boiling 3 to 5 minutes. Apply once every morning and evening.
麝香为常用贵重中药材 ,具有开窍醒神、活血通经 ,消肿止痛作用。《中国药典》收载以鹿科动物林麝MoschusberezovskiiFlerov,马麝MoschussifonicusPrzewalski或原麝Moschusmoschiferus,Linnaeu? Musk is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine. It has t
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【“溯”材展示】  孔子曰: “君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言。小人不知天命,而不畏也。狎大人,侮圣人之言。”  (《论语·季氏》)  译文 孔子说:“君子有三件敬畏的事情:敬畏天命,敬畏地位高贵的人,敬畏圣人的话。小人不懂得天命,因而也不敬畏,不尊重地位高贵的人,轻侮圣人的话。”  【运用方向】  1. 人要有敬畏之心。“君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言”。一个人如果失去了对社会、
Based on forecast for current engineering workload,controlled copper metal volume was320,000 tonnes,and zinc metal volume was 220,000 tonnes,which respectively