
来源 :中共中央党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:markhero
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公民参与政府绩效评估是现代民主政治的重要表现。我国公民参与政府绩效评估的动力不足,根源在于被评估对象和参与者两个方面的动因不够:从被评估对象的角度看,公民参与的动因有效果动因、创新动因和问责动因;从参与者的角度看,公民参与的动因有责任动因、权利动因和利益动因。构建公民参与政府绩效评估的动力机制,关键是强化公民参与的内在动因。 Citizens’ participation in government performance evaluation is an important manifestation of modern democratic politics. The reasons for the lack of motivation for Chinese citizens to participate in government performance evaluation lie in the lack of motivation of both the object and the participant being assessed: the motivation of citizen participation is the motivation of motivation, the motivation of innovation and the motivation of accountability from the point of view of the object to be evaluated; From the point of view, motivation for citizen participation is motivation of motivation, motivation of rights and motivation of interest. The key to building a motivation mechanism for citizens to participate in government performance evaluation is to strengthen the internal motivation of citizen participation.
On the basis of expounding the research results of using relevant knowledge about Game Theory for supply chain of agricultural products at home and abroad,we us
We conduct survey on the characteristics of demand of agricultural enterprises for agricultural marketing talents from the following 6 aspects:the professional
加强核心素养理念的引导力,是顺应教育界改革趋势,时代发展潮流,中国特色社会主义社会的需要,是教育界不断发展的必然选择。从英语这个学科来说,初中学生的核心素养主要包括对知识的理解程度,对各种事物的情感态度,以及各类实践运用。而在初中这个阶段,英语教学应当坚持核心素养理念的指导和引领,这样的话就能让英语更具有实效性。本文就以上内容为背景,提出下列几点看法以供参考。  1. 探寻情感素材  由于英语这个
On the basis of defining the producers in the supply chain of agricultural products,the SWOT analysis is adopted to analyze the advantages,disadvantages,opportu