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  1. 空气污染现状。2013年以来,全国多地遭雾霾袭击,这引起人们对空气质量的关注。
  2. 雾霾的原因:这一点需要结合生活实际适当发挥,比如汽车尾气的污染,工厂的污染等;
  3. 采取的措施:结合生活实际适当展开叙述,讲一讲我们应该做些什么:①使用公交;②栽种树木。
  4. 结尾:我们工共同努力,建设美好家园。
  In recent months haze has frequently appeared in our country, especially in the northern part.
  People pay attention to this. Because it is very serious. For example, we breathe in the poisonous air, we may fall ill, and we will suffer badly.
  I think there are many reasons why haze is filled in the air. People don’t pay enough attention to protect the environment. Besides, there are too many cars in the street that they give off a lot of pollution. As a result, the air is polluted and there is haze in many parts of our country.
  As far as I am concerned, I’ll do what I can to improve the environment. First, I’ll go to school by bus instead of going in a car. Second, I’ll call on the people around me to develop some environmentally-friendly habits, and show our respect for the environment.
  So, let’s protect the environment together.
  1. 写作中运用了一些高级词汇和短语,比如give off, as a result, instead of, develop, environmentally-friendly, show respect for等。
  2. 文章基本围绕所给要点逐条展开叙述,而且叙述有层次,使用了一些过渡词,比如besides, first, second, so。这些过渡词的使用增加了文章的层次感。
  3. 文章使用了一些句式结构,比如and连接并列句,why引导定语从句,as far as+状语从句,what引导宾语从句。以及不定式作宾补等。
  1. 文中出现了一些基础知识和基本表达的错误:①because引导状语从句却没有主句;②and连接简单句并列,而and连接简单句是高分作文之大忌;③出现了错误的表达,比如haze is filled in the air,建议修改为haze is distributed thickly in the air,或the air is filled with haze;
  2. 在尝试写一些复杂的句式结构时出现了表达的错误,如:there are too many cars in the street that they give off a lot of pollution,这个句子里的too应该改为so与后文的that构成so…that结构表示“如此……以致于”。
  3. 结尾句原本应该掀起一个高潮,回应主题,但本文结尾来了个无病呻吟式的祈使句,最好改用强调、倒装等句式来结束全文。
  Actually, haze has frequently appeared in our country, especially in the northern part. This has aroused widespread concern at home and abroad. There are more traffic accidents and more people suffering from haze-related health problems.
  Several factors may account for this. To begin with, there are far too many cars in the street, giving off poisonous gases. Secondly, enormous coal and gas is consumed in factories, which is also to blame for the condition. What’s worse, the many smokers in our country also contribute to the problem.   Luckily, the public has now become aware of the problem, and the government has stepped in to deal with it. When it comes to us students, there are many things we can do. For one thing, we can use public transportation instead of private cars and use clean energy. Meanwhile, we can plant more trees and grass around the campus to produce more fresh air. I’m sure that with the joint effors of the government and the public, things will surely improve before it becomes worse.
  1. 文章结构清晰,段落的衔接与过渡自然。作者使用三段式的篇章结构,分别叙述汉语提示中的三個要点,各要点的叙述发挥自然,主题突出,没有出现表达上的错误。
  2. 本文词汇丰富,使用了arouse,enormous,consume,joint,suffer from,haze-related,account for,give off,contribute to,become aware of等高级词汇和短语。
  3. 文章使用了各种句式结构,比如现在分词作状语,which引导定语从句,be to blame结构,when引导状语从句等。
  4. 为确保各要点的叙述完整,使用了过渡词语,比如在叙述原因时使用了to begin with, secondly, what’s worse;叙述做法时使用了for one thing, meanwhile等,这样保证了行文连贯。
  In recent years, we have to face an annoying problem. That is, (某种问题), which is becoming more and more serious, (用非谓语动词说明问题现状). As a consequence, measures must be taken to deal with it before it’s too late.
  1. 合理安排书面表达的写作时间
  2. 认真审题,准确叙述
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