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一九九○年初,有热心人建议筹组“叶浅予艺术研讨会”,叶老不以为然,说不如大家一起走走,玩玩谈谈。由此而有当年六月和去年八月两次“叶浅予师生艺术行路团”之举。不叫“研讨”,也不叫“旅行”,而名曰“行路”,自然是取董其昌名言“读万卷书,行万里路”之意。游富春,登泰山,同行画家三十余人,自五十年代至八十年代曾先后受教于叶浅予先生,现均各有创作风貌和成就,而对继承和发展中国画的优良传统,扎根于中国的大地,创造富有现代精神的中国画艺术,则共同持有坚定的信念和决心。“言之无文,行而不远”。两次行路团围绕中国画教学和创作问题多所讨论,其间叶老讲述四十年来的教学和创作历程和为人之道,经整理成文题为《行行重行行》。在两次“行路团”活动期间策划筹备的“叶浅予师生画展”于去年十一月在中央美术学院展览馆举行,共展出师生作品160幅,本期从中选取了部分作品与叶老等文章一并予以发表。 At the beginning of 1990, enthusiastic people suggested to organize “Ye shallow art symposium”, Ye old disagree, that we walk together, play talk. As a result, in June of that year and in August last year, two “leaf shallow to teachers and students art road trip” move. Not called “seminar”, nor “travel”, but the name is “road”, of course, is to take Dong Qichang famous quote, “read thousands of books, lines Wanli” meaning. You Fuchun, Dengtaishan, painter counterparts more than 30 people, from the fifties to the eighties have been taught in Mr. Ye Qian Yu, are now each have their own creative style and achievements, and to inherit and develop the fine tradition of Chinese painting, rooted in China Of the earth, to create a rich modern Chinese painting art, they jointly hold a firm belief and determination. “Words without words, not far away.” During the two trips, many discussions were held about the teaching and creation of Chinese painting. In the meantime, Mr. Ye talked about the course of teaching and creation for more than 40 years and his own way of doing things. During the two “road trip” activities planned for the preparation of the “Ye shallow painting to teachers and students” was held in November last year at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Exhibition Hall, a total of 160 works of teachers and students on display, selected from this issue, And other articles to be published together.