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  摘 要:博物館展览文案的翻译质量在宣传推广中华文明和自然遗产方面起着重要作用,因此双语文案的编写工作具有重大意义。总结了的特点:信息量大、解说性强、文字优美,并且与文物紧密契合、蕴含丰富的内涵。从文本类型上看,博物馆展览文案属于信息型文本。以广东省博物馆为例,应用纽马克的翻译理论指导博物馆展览文案的翻译实践,从用词、造句、文化元素等方面进行阐述。同时,运用交际翻译的策略,对涉及的翻译问题及技巧进行深入探讨。
  关键词:博物馆展览文案 纽马克理论 交际翻译
  Abstract Translation of the museum’s publicity materials plays a crucial role in introducing the Chinese culture and natural heritages to foreign visitors. This article discussed about the features of the museum’s publicity materials, then it summarized the informative, expositive, rhetoric, visible and cultural features. Similarly, the translation should also have such characteristics. According to Newmark’s text typology, the museum’s publicity materials belong to the category of informative text. The author studied several examples from the publicity materials of Guangdong Museum. All the examples are analyzed either from the lexical, syntactic or cultural perspective. Furthermore, the article discusses specific problems and techniques used in the translation in order to evaluate and improve the target texts with communicative translation.
  Keywords the museum’s publicity materials, Newmark’s theory, communicative translation
  0 Introduction
   A museum is responsible for the acquisition, preservation, display and research of the collected natural and cultural relics. It is a non-profit organization, which serves the purpose of educationand entertainment. Since 2008, most Chinese museums have been open to the public and offered free admission inciting an increased number of visitors to museums. The museum has become an important window to public service, and an important platform for the cultural exchange between domestic and foreign cultures. Translation of the museum’s publicity materials plays a crucial role in introducing Chinese culture and natural resources to foreign visitors, who have great interest in collections. Therefore, the effective translation of the museum’s publicity materials is of great significance. Unfortunately, as the museum industry in China started later than it did in most western countries, the study on translation of the museum’s publicity materials has been neglected for a long time. Therefore, the need for us to research on translation of the museum’s publicity materials is imminent.
   This article mainly applies Newmark’s text type classification and communicative translation. Peter Newmark is a famous scholar in the field of translation studies with experienced translation techniques. His major contribution is the distinction between communicative translation and semantic translation, which is relevant to text type classification.   1 Literature review
   Translation of the museum’s publicity materials is not a novel idea, but as mentioned above communicative translation is seldom used as material for research. In general, translation of the museum’s publicity materials can be divided into two parts. One is the collection translation, which mainly consists of the interpretive texts of the collections, the titles of the collections, and exhibition atlas. The other part is the exhibition content not included in the collection translation. The content here is essentially only the introduction and explanation of the history and development of the exhibition.
   Mu[1] is the first one to publish an article about collections in 1991. He discussed the faithfulness and smoothness of the collection translation, and mentioned word choices.Li[2] published the second paper concerning the titles of the collections, and revealed its cultural implication at the surface, middle and deep levels. In the following years, Wang and Yang[3]published the first book on the names of collected items, and this book has become important and popular among translators for museums domestic. The book has a Chinese-English glossary of collections and functions as a dictionary, despite some inaccuracy. Huang[4] applied cognitive theory to the collection translation of antique names and pointed out that the features of antique names express the basic traits of human cognition. Li[5] wrote her thesis using the theories of domestication and foreignization in the collection translation. Her study analyzed the translations based on underlying factors that can determine the translator strategies. Ding[6-7] wrote her thesis and article about Newmark’s theory related with museum. These researcheshave discussed the collections from translation strategies of domestication and foreignization, translation criteria of "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance" and translation principles of smoothness and faithfulness. However, these aspects are too general to follow during the translation practice. Similarly, the strategies used in museum translation are always including domestication, foreignization, relevance theory, and intercultural communication.
   In China, the researches on translation of the museum’s publicity materials started from 1990s. In the early 20th century, from 2001 to 2007, the articles in this area were limited to discussing the faithfulness and smoothness of the translated materials; after 2007, some scholars began to approach the topic from the angles of domestication and foreignization. At the same time some scholars introduced Skopos theory into the research. By doing extensive reviews, the author discovered that no scholar wrote a thesis or a dissertation on this topic, to say nothing of any translation strategies in this field. Yet no systematic research has been done on the museum’s publicity materials from the perspective of communicative translation.The translation research on collections will attract more attention than on exhibitions. The researchers in this area are mainly divided into two categories, one group belongs to the theoretical linguists, and the other relies on their own working experience. Looking at geographical position, the researches focused more on places that have rich culture heritage resources and cities involved in foreign trade, such as Beijing, Shanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Zhejiang.    From the previous review, the author finds that there are no dissertations on museum translation. Though translation strategies are used and have been discussed in this field, no systematic research has been done on the museum’s publicity materials from the perspective of communicative translation. The majority of past researches focus on translation of the names of collected items and famous museums. Here, the author will attempt to systematically research the museum’s publicity materials from the perspective of communicative translation.
  2 Theoretical framework
  2.1 The priorities for text analysis
   Many theorists have divided the texts according to subject-matter (literature, institutions, technology, etc.), but it is perhaps more reasonable to begin with the famous German scholar Karl ’s statement[8] on the functions of language. Karl
鲁亢,著有诗集《半部》、随笔集《被骨头知道》。现居福州。  山庄  一  我走下水泥滑坡碰到门卫  他皱纹中夹着泥垢,刚从菜地回  我说:“你知道这些是什么树?”  我转身就会忘记,但现在要满足求知欲  有的树孤傲,有的庸常,都叫不出名  我人在山中宛如丢弃已久的空麻袋  宛如那间浓黑又荒芜的空房子  我凝视却无意走入  二  山风清凉,处处有水意,飘逸于光之幻  竹林,芦苇,果园,水塘,天际线 
摘 要 由湖南省地质博物馆发起组织的“微路客地质探索研学游”地质研学旅行是面向在校中小学生开展,在探究性教学理论指导下采用研究性学习和地学课程体验相结合的校外教育活动模式,旨在培养学生科学探究精神的教育宗旨。研学课程内容的设计紧密结合中小学科学课程教学目标,遵循青少年身心发展规律,根据主题选定多个地质科普实践点,运用情境学习、PBL教学法、问题教学法、多感官教学法等多种探索性教学方法,较好地实现了
摘 要 随着移动互联和智能终端设备的发展和普及,移动学习资源在教育领域迅速发展,尤其是儿童移动学习资源。在用户日趋理智的消费行为和行业竞争的双重压力下,只有掌握移动学习资源用户的行为模式才能设计出优质产品。通过对140名5~7岁学前儿童的问卷调查及10名儿童的观察和访谈,挖掘学前儿童移动学习资源用户的认知行为模式和情感行为模式。只有给儿童量体裁衣,为他们打造优质学习资源,才能赢得儿童的喜爱和家长的
我有一整天的时间跟鱼耗。  身兼同事与前辈的周叔拿水桶给我,他指了指楼上,我知道那代表什么,证明身价的时候到了,我需要把每个鱼缸的玻璃擦得干干净净,一点灰尘都不染。  我在角落喷上清洁剂,蓝色的液体沿边边流了下来,如同抹奶油般,我仔细想象那个画面,接着将它均匀涂平,直到用指尖滑过去会嘎嘎叫为止。  结束了,我起身环顾四周,这时周叔走上来,他拉了下裤管。  “还有三楼。”说完便转身下楼,我叹了口气,
作家简介:  陈霁, 四川射洪人,当代作家。当过教师、公务员和媒体人。作品见于《人民文学》《北京文学》《青年文学》《花城》《作家》《天涯》《散文》《美文》等报刊。部分作品被《中华文学选刊》《散文海外版》《散文选刊》《作家文摘》等选刊选载。部分作品入选各种年度选本和中国散文排行榜。有作品入选多种中学语文阅读教材。著有《诗意行走》《城外就是故乡》《白马叙事》《白马部落》等。  2014年初,陈霁深入平
十八重溪老厝。  在冗长的沉默以后,电话断讯的连串尖锐响声之前,父亲一如往昔,懦懦丢下一句话后便落荒而逃,让我独自以不解和愤怒填补想象所有我被遗弃、排挤在外的时间和场景。  那是一个稀疏的聚落,一条命名奇特的小路,也是景美溪系的众多支流之一,据说在拓垦之始,由山的彼端跋涉至此,必须翻越过十八道重重的崇峰峻谷,于是流传下来的旧地名。  那是我离开的地方,我们岔开的路口。  是赶回去看你的地址;亦是索
日 常  “還要多久能入睡?”  灯开或没开也都是房间  世界很坏的时候也只是日常  哭不出来的时候是午后的三点  笑不出来的时候是晚餐后的七点半  说不出话的时候是与家人看电视的九点  睡不着觉的时候是凌晨四点  想死却无法死的时候是日常的二十四点  “还有多久天亮?”  处方签  有多种翻译版本  朋友的版本:镇定剂和安眠药  家人的版本:吃了总是有帮助的那些  我的版本:用十张小白单换一张下
近日,在国际博物馆协会视听、新技术及社交媒体委员会发起的2019国际视听多媒体艺术节上,上海科技馆的《流星之吻》代表中国斩获纪录片单元唯一金奖。当下,中国博物馆界正致力于用中国声音向全世界讲好中国故事,在國际舞台上传递中国文化、展现中国魅力。  流星闪耀着璀璨光芒,穿过大气层后撞击地面,亲吻了地球这片美丽的土地。原创科普纪录片《流星之吻》讲述了2018年上海科技馆奔赴西双版纳目击陨石并完整回收陨石